I spent most of my life hating my body. To actually feel at home in my body is something I never thought I could ever feel at ease and comfortable in my body!

This Body-Peace work is the real deal.

Carrie D.


(with an optional added SPECIAL SPA EVE!) 

for women who want to gift themselves time and space to improve their relationship with their body


Nina Manolson, M.A. Body-Peace Coach

Monday Sept 23rd ~ Tuesday Sept 24th 2024

Plus an optional add-on special spa day Sunday, Sept 22nd

ONLY 30 SPOTS (and ONLY 15 spots for the SOAK & SOUL-BLISS SPA EVE)

Enter: EXPERIENCEPEACE to save $200 before July 25th 2024

enrollment ends Sept 10th 2024

If you’re ready to sink into an authentic experience of feeling at home in your current body

then The Body-Peace® Experience is for you!

What is the Body-Peace® Experience?

Join us for a transformative two-day urban retreat.

The Body-Peace Experience is designed exclusively for women who desire to deepen and improve their relationship with their body and food.

This 2 day immersion into Body-Peace® will take place on September 23 and 24, 2024, with an optional add-on deluxe SOAK & SOUL-BLISS SPA EVE prior to the event on September 22, 2024.

Limited to just 30 participants for the retreat and 15 for the spa eve, this intimate experience promises personalized attention and profound connection.

    The Body-Peace® Experience is for WOMEN who…

    • Seek an authentic, sustainable relationship with their body and food.
    • Want to embrace their bodies and live free from societal pressures.
    • Desire a supportive community of like-minded women.
    • Are ready to explore and overcome obstacles to self-acceptance and body-peace.

    It’s also for WOMEN who…

    • Long for time and space to BE and not constantly DO.
    • Know all the facts and data about food. Know all the things they “should” do. But deeply benefit from a luxurious invitation to listen in to their inner wisdom. 
    • Know there are deeper issues to explore and heal when it comes to how they feel about food and body

    What is the Body-Peace® Experience?

    Join us for a transformative two-day urban retreat.

    The Body-Peace Experience is designed exclusively for women who desire to deepen and improve their relationship with their body and food.

    This 2 day immersion into Body-Peace® will take place on September 23 and 24, 2024, with an optional add-on deluxe SOAK & SOUL-BLISS SPA EVE prior to the event on September 22, 2024.

    Limited to just 30 participants for the retreat and 15 for the spa eve, this intimate experience promises personalized attention and profound connection.

      By stepping into The Body-Peace® Experience, you’ll:

      • Create a personalized body-peace practice. (We all love a plan! But your own unique Body-Peace® PRACTICE is WAY more powerful and sustainable.) 
      • Gain new insights into your body story and how to work with your past to create an ongoing supportive relationship with your body.
      • Learn practical strategies for how to look in the mirror, or into your closet or at a photo of yourself without calling yourself names!
      • Connect with a community of supportive women.
      • Develop a renewed sense of self-appreciation and confidence.

        The quest to have a meaningful and authentic relationship with our body and how it ages is not just for us; we need to teach our daughters, sisters, mothers, aunts, and friends how to do the same.” 

        M. R. Hartje

        Who am I to guide you on this Body-Peace Experience!

        I am your body’s greatest advocate. For 30 years, I’ve helped women end the war with their bodies to make peace inside themselves so they feel truly relaxed with food and at home in their body.. 

        I’m Nina Manolson, M.A. I’m a Body-Peace® Coach, a Nutrition and Body-Relationship Therapist, Certified Psychology of Eating Teacher, Body-Trust Guide and Certified Intuitive Eating Coach 

        My clients move past the deprivation-diet paradigm and into a compassionate and powerful way of eating & living which creates deep, long-lasting change in and with their bodies…and with the world around them. 

        All women, even YOU, deserve to feel truly good from the inside out. 



        ON Mon Sept 23rd & Tues. Sept 24th


        Learn how to LISTEN to your body cues so that you’re able to better respond and respect yourself


        EXPLORE the conversation you’re currently having with your body to get to the core of your body-struggles


        DISCOVER the Body Relationship that truly makes you thrive and deeply understand what’s keeping you stuck where you are


        DEVELOP peace with the mirror and photos!  Your reflection isn’t your enemy, it’s an opporunity for inner growth! Let’s do it!


        DISRUPT your neural pathways of body-hate so that hating your body isn’t your emotional default 


        UNLOCK the grip of shame you carry about what you just ate or how you look


        CONNECT to a community of women brimming with compassion and deep wisdom

        RELAX & SPA!

        SOAK & SOUL-BLISS SPA DAY! This is an add-on day for only 15 women. It’s all about saoking in deep self-care and deep relaxation.


        I now have a practice that helps me to tune into my body’s messages and learn its language.

        Nina teaches easily implemented practices that enable me to tune into my body’s messages and learn its language. As someone who tended to “stay in my head” so much of the time, these gentle and friendly practices help me learn to inhabit my whole body and relax. I am so grateful to have found Nina and Body-Peace.

        Debbie Pettijohn

        We’ll be LIVE, IN-PERSON! 

        Let’s BE TOGETHER!

        Women grow and heal best in community.

        Let’s come out from behind our computer screens.

        Let’s take time to BE with ourselves and one another and sink into time and space that’s all about NOURISHMENT and SELF-RECLAMATION!

        Where? Providence, Rhode Island!

        • We’ll be convening at an elegant and fun hotel in Providence, Rhode Island.
        • As soon as you register, you’ll receive info on exactly where as well as access to a discounted rate for the hotel


        is an authentic deep dive into feeling FREE and at EASE in your body! And…

        you can add-on an outrageously yummy SOAK & SOUL-BLISS SPA DAY!


        (Sunday, Sept 22nd – From 3:30 – 9:30pm)


        The SOAK & SOUL BLISS spa day is on the SUNDAY before the 2 day Body-Peace Experience. 

        The intention of the Soak & Soul Bliss Spa Day is to pause, slow down, and make space for yourself.

        This special retreat is designed to help you reconnect with your inner self, allowing you to experience deep relaxation and rejuvenation in a serene and supportive environment.

          What this Soak & Soulful Bliss Day will give you:

          • Nervous system reset
          • A deep experience of embodiment
          • Reawaken yourself with delight, sensuality, and sensation in your own skin
          • Renewed sense of peace and self-acceptance
          • A truly safe space to explore any shame or vulnerable feelings you may have about your body.


          What the Day Includes

          • Pre-spa day embodiment workshop
          • “Getting Truly Comfy in Your Skin” workshop at the spa
          • Special water-journey spa experience (exclusive access to the spa for our group)
          • Safe and supportive environment
          • Discussion about body comfort and wearing a bathing suit
          • Delicious snacks and nourishing dinner

            Join us for the Soak & Soul Bliss Spa Day and immerse yourself in a day of relaxation, self-discovery, and soulful connection..


            to attend the Body-Peace® EXPERIENCE!

            #1: The 2 day Body-Peace® Experience

            #2: The 2 day Body-Peace® Experience PLUS the SOAK & SOUL-BLISS SPA DAY!

            And if you’d like to bring a friend, you can both save $50. You’ll get info about how to register your friend after you save your spot.

            Your body needs time and space to speak to you and for you to hear her!

            Give yourself the gift of The Body-Peace Experience!

            By stepping into The Body-Peace® Experience, you will:

            • Develop a deeper connection with your body.
            • Gain tools to navigate body image challenges and societal pressures.
            • Cultivate self-acceptance and inner peace.
            • Experience the healing power of a supportive community.
            • Leave feeling rejuvenated, empowered, and more comfortable in your own skin.

            Cultivating Body-Peace is one of the greatest practices you can have in toolkit of “being you”. And I am honored to supporting you in creating YOUR Body-Peace practice, so it fits you perfectly!


            I am pretty good at relationships. I discovered I was taking one for granted-the one with my body! I am now listening to her…..caringly and with deep appreciation.

            I feel a greater sense of peace and delight.

            Doreen Giacomo

            Questions & Answers

            Q. Will you do this again?

            A. This is a one-time offering. I get inspired to offer unique experiences and I cannot promise it will happen again like this. But what I can tell you is that my prices will go up, so if this is something that speaks to you, I recommend jumping in right now.

            Q: I want the spa day, but I'm uncomfortable getting into a bathing suit

            A. The SOAK & SOUL-BLISS SPA DAY is ALL about deeply relaxing in your body.

            This includes confronting your discomfort in being vulnerable and visible!

            We're going to work with this so that you can step into the spa feeling like you're actually FEELING the ease and relaxation versus wondering and worrying about what other people think of your body. 

            The SOAK & SOUL-BLISS SPA day is for you if there's any part of you that really wants the space and time and PERMISSION and deep invitation to deeply relax.

            Q. Where can I stay during the retreat? Can you give me hotel info?

            A.  We've locked in a group rate at The Graduate hotel in Providence, Rhode Island. When you register, you'll receive a "thanks for registering" email and it will include the hotel details and your special discount code for booking the hotel.

            Q. Do you have a payment plan?

            A.  Yes! Absolutely! There's a two pay option for both the 2-Day Body-Peace Experience AND the SOAK & SOUL-BLISS SPA DAY + The 2-day Body-Peace Experience. 

            Q. What's your refund policy in case something comes up and I can't attend?

            A. We understand that unexpected circumstances may arise. Unfortunately, refunds are not available for retreat cancellations. However, you may transfer your registration to another guest.

            Transfer Policy

            • To transfer your registration, please contact us at nina @ ninamanolson.com at least 21 days before the workshop.
            • The replacement guest must be approved by the workshop organizer.
            • There may be a fee associated with transferring your registration.
            By registering for this workshop, you agree to this cancellation and transfer policy.

            Q. Am I too old or young or fat or thin for this experience?

            A. I work with women of all ages and all sizes.  I've created the Body-Peace Experience  out of 30 years of working with women who are struggling to feel truly at ease and at peace in their body. This program is for you no matter what kind of body you have and no matter what age you are!

            Q. Can I bring a friend?

            A. Yes! Absolutely! In fact when you invite a friend you both get $50 off! You'll get more info about how to invite a friend and get your $50 off when you register for your spot in the Body-Peace Experience.

            Q. What are the dates again? And what's the timing of the whole experience?

            DATES & TIMES:

            • SOAK & SOUL-BLISS SPA DAY  
              • SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22: 4 - 9:30pm. We'll provide snacks and dinner.

            • BODY-PEACE EXPERIENCE 2 day
              • MON Sept 23rd 9:30-5:30pm
              • TUES Sept 24th 9-4pm 
              • We'll have a 1.5 hr break each day to get lunch and relax. We'll provide a list of yummy places to eat lunch and dinner  in the area.


            Body-Peace® work has let me see and feel how valuable and useful my body is. I also had the realization that I need to take care of it and appreciate what it does for me. This is a huge improvement over the body-disgust I generally feel.


            THERE ARE 2 OPTIONS

            to join the Body-Peace EXPERIENCE!

            #1: The 2 Day Body-Peace Experience (only for 30 women!)

            #2: The 2 Day Body-Peace Experience + The Soak & Soul-Bliss Spa Day! (only for 15 women!)

            Want to bring a friend? You’ll receive more info after you register and you’ll both be able to save $50!

            You do not have to continue the body fight

            You do not have to blame or shame yourself or starve yourself because you don’t think you’re “good enough” anymore. 


            The course was awesome!

            This is the work that creates FREEDOM!!!


            Sue Pfistner