STARTING Monday, Oct 2nd 2023

A 3 week program for women who truly want to heal their relationship with food and body

My wish for you on this journey…

Release yourself from the narrative that has
held you captive for decades…finally.

Say good-bye to the ever-present
feelings of guilt and shame around food
so you can finally build a healthy
relationship with your body. 

body liberation
when you free yourself from the food-cycle of restriction…and be at home in your skin at last. 


Feel good just being in your body.

(Even if you can’t imagine it right now) 

Most women struggle with this gap👇

If you know what you should be doing, but struggle to actually do it?

21 days from now, you could be
on the road to freedom from the war that goes on
inside your head, heart, and body (and has been for years).

We’re starting Monday, Oct. 2nd, 2023

 No more white-knuckling through.
No more will-power required.

No more feeling out-of-control when it comes to food.

…If you’re exhausted by the pangs of regret that follow every meal

…If you’re sick of your inner critic scathing you for overeating…again

…If you’re over the cyclical disappointment that propels choosing comfort foods over nourishing foods

…If you’re done with knowing what you “should” do but not seemingly being unable to do it

When being in your body doesn’t feel like a comfortable, joyful place to be.

When you find yourself saying “I just want to eat like a normal person” or “I just want to be in control” or “I just want to lose weight so my life will be better.”

When eating isn’t pleasurable. When it feels like wandering through a field of landmines, like something is going to explode at any moment—maybe shame, maybe a binge, maybe restriction, maybe self-criticism.

When your only two modes of existence are either on the diet/program/plan or falling off the wagon.

When nourishing and caring for yourself feels like a chore or another to-do on your list.

When you just want to feel good and at home in your own skin.


Yes. You are busy beyond what any human should have to be, but this is 21 days to a solution that, when action is taken, will change your relationship to food and release you from the pangs of guilt and the pain of shame that have kept you from loving the life you live.

 The 21 Day Compassionate Eating Course

is the path to feeling good about the food you eat

Reclaim the energy lost to guilt,

free yourself from the pain,

and create a sense of ease

when it comes to eating.

“I highly recommend Nina Manolson to any woman

who is looking to feel healthier, stronger, happier,

and more confident in her relationship to food and her own body.”

Nina’s knowledgeable, insightful, and deeply kind approach has been instrumental in helping me make healthier, more nourishing choices in my eating and overall self-care.

Nina doesn’t offer quick-fixes, rather she stays connected with her clients over time and guides them with wisdom and compassion.

I highly recommend Nina Manolson to any woman who is looking to feel healthier, stronger, happier, and more confident in her relationship to food and her own body.

Carla Naumburg, PhD

The lies about what “should be” end here

  • We’ve been taught it’s supposed to be easy. 
  • We’ve been taught that we need the latest pill or quick fix. 
  • We’ve been taught that we are not good enough the way we are. 

And it’s time to throw all of that out of the window. 

It’s time to take a brand new look at you, your body, and your relationship between it and food. 

I know you know what to do.

And it’s not more information that’s going to help you do it.

Your heart is big.

But the guilt and shame

around food and your eating habits are bigger.

The cycle of pizza night, guilt, inflammation, sadness, reduced energy caused by the shame and mental beratement that you put yourself through ends here. 

 You need not fear the new paradigm, though. 

 This new life won’t mean that you all of a sudden need to learn a new way of cooking or that you need to prepare multiple meals because others in your home won’t eat what you’re cooking. It doesn’t mean that you will lose who you are. 

 That is not to say, however, that you won’t have to make some changes.

You will. 


You will WANT to.

And the changes you do need to make will be a result of finally having a deeply connected relationship with yourself. Not the pressure that it has come with in the past. Because this change is fueled by understanding and compassion.

On one side of the gap is everything we already know about taking care of ourselves…

  • Staying hydrating
  • Eating foods that make us feel vibrant 
  • Listening to our body signals
  • Prepping meals
  • Eating slowly 
  • and so much more..

And on the other side is what actually happens in our daily lives…

  • Grab n’ go eating
  • Ignoring our body’s cues around fullness and hunger
  • Making choices that we regret
  • Turning to food as our primary emotional soother
  • Feeling out of control with food

 It’s not that we don’t know what to do

It’s not that we don’t have the right food information




We’re going to find the missing piece

YOU need to bridge the gap

and bring this all together


What Bridging YOUR Gap Will Look Like: 

Making this shift as natural as possible by defining what “eating right” is for YOU

Uncovering the keys to ease and flow as you learn what your own approach to nutrition is 

Finally understand what lies behind the unwanted eating patterns you’ve been held captive by

Creating ways to interrupt the default eating patterns that keep you stuck in cycles of pain

    Who Am I to Help You Find Compassion in Eating? 

    I’m Nina Manolson, M.A. NBC-HWC founder of Body-Peace® and I help women feel at home in their body. Really at home. The kind of at home where you can run around naked and not worry about what is “good enough” or what others will think. The kind of good that allows you to feel ultimate freedom. 

    I’m also a Nationally Board Certified Wellness Coach, Psychology of Eating Coach and Certified Body-Trust Guide. I also hold a Masters in counseling psychology.

    For over 25 years, I’ve been an advocate of women and their right to be released from the mire that the patriarchy, fashion and marketing have pushed us into. Because when we are released from those chains, the beauty that is this life becomes viscerally tangible. Just ask any of the hundreds of women who have made this exact discovery with me.

    Step Into Healing

    Here’s what you’ll be doing in The Compassionate Eating Course:


    1. Discover your top three obstacles so you can begin the healing process with the most impact and to help make the transition into healing feel good

    2. Uncover the messages your biggest teachers and gifts have been trying to tell you so you can begin to interpret the patterns in your eating behaviors

    3. Unlock YOUR most practical practices to finally interrupting your go-to actions when life, emotions, and automatic thinking takes over

    4. YOU will be in this driver’s seat. I will bring what I know to guide you, but it will be YOUR intimate knowledge of self and your ability to be honest with yourself that will get you where you want to go

    5. Be supported. This is sooo important as so many women feel like they have to do this alone and it just makes it so much harder. But when you have people around you that are doing the same work you are…the results can be magical.



    1. Judgment

    Not on your size or your food choices

    Not on your activity level or anything else

    I will not tolerate judgments (even ones you make of yourself)

    2. Diets

    You will not be put on a diet 

    95% of people put on a diet regain the weight in five years

    I do not collude with our societal approach to “eating right” so you will not be subjected to more of what has not worked here

    3. Information Inundation

    You already know all you need to, so I will not add to the noise and confusion

    We are going to toss out everything you’ve been taught so you can actually HEAR your body speak to you

    4. Record-Keeping

    You will not have to track steps, food, calories, or anything else

    No more being made to feel guilty about numbers and data

    5. Failure

    Because it’s not possible 

    This is about the process not perfection


    • I cannot promise, nor would I want to, that you’ll lose 21 pounds in 21 days or whatever the ludicrous claims the fads are making these days. This is solely about creating a connection with yourself and learning to hear what your body needs. 
    • I cannot promise, nor would I want to, that your decades-old patterns and behaviors will completely disappear in 21 days. But I can promise that if you do the work, you will be well on your way to a journey that creates a sustainable shift towards compassionate and fulfilling eating practices. 

      “I have experienced a profound paradigmatic shift in my thinking about food, health and nourishment.”

      In the few weeks I’ve been a part of this program I have experienced a profound paradigmatic shift in my thinking about food, health and nourishment – a word that I hadn’t really considered until now.  

      Nina’s trenchant but gently communicated observations, her depth of knowledge about all the ways we can nourish ourselves, the materials she shared and the community of women who participated all have contributed to this exceptional – and exceptionally different – approach to how we live with and make food choices each day and that has so positively imprinted on me.  

      I’ve discovered I’m much less hesitant about my food choices, as well as when and how much I eat.  These choices have started to become quite natural, not freighted with the “should/shouldn’ts”, the “good/bads” and consequently I find I really feel great.

      Mary-Anne Morrison

      This is not a one-size fits all approach. 

      And this program is designed to fit into even the busiest schedules so you don’t have to sidetrack your life for three weeks to do this work.

      Call Dates and Times:




        ALL CALLS are at:  

        • 7pm EASTERN (US & CANADA East Coast)
        • 4pm PACIFIC (US & CANADA West Coast)


        • Session #1: MONDAY JAN 22nd
        • Session #2: MONDAY JAN 29th 
        • Session #3: WEDNESDAY FEB 7th 
        • Session #4: MONDAY FEB 12th
        • Session #5: MONDAY FEB 19th


          Can’t make the live calls? No worries, all our calls will be recorded, and I'd love to give you personalized support - so come on the calls live if you can.




          Questions & Answers

          Q. What if I can't make it to all the classes live?

          I know you're busy and that all the live classes may not work in your schedule. Come to what you can, and listen to the rest via the replay. There will be replays available for every single class. And if you're concerned about staying current with the recorded sessions I encourage you to sign up for the additional "private guidance". Working with me one-on-one will support you in staying current with the curriculum and give you the space and time to dive into the unique isssues you are dealing with in your relationship to your food and body.

          Q. Am I too old or young or fat or thin for this program?

          A.  The Body-Peace® & Aging program is for women in their 50's, 60's, 70's & 80's who want to create a sustainable, supportive, nourishing, kind, caring and respectful  relationship with their body.  There is no "right" size. The Body-Peace® & Aging program is a safe, no-judgement, welcoming space.

          Q. Will I be on a food plan during The Body-Peace & Aging Program?

          A. There is no one “right” way of eating. Recognizing what foods make your body hum with ease and pleasure paves the way for stepping away from food rules (what you should and shouldn’t eat) and step into food harmony. 

          Body-Peace & Aging is not an “eat this” and “don’t eat that” type of program. I want to help you honor your own wise body instead of trying to live by “the rules" - which we already know never sticks.

          Q: I want to lose weight. Will I lose weight in this program?

          A. I want more for you than weight loss. The desire for weight loss is a desire for feeling at ease and good in your body. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to lose weight and certainly we all want to feel good in our body. However if we only focus on our weight and weight loss, we are limiting our experience of body peace to a very small window of acceptability and usually relegating ourselves to an experiences of restriction. My work is weight inclusive. This means success is not determined by the number on the scale. I am not for weight loss or against weight loss. I am neutral about your weight. I am however, passionate about you feeling at home in your own body.

          Q. I’m really busy. How much time will The Body-Peace® & Aging Program Take?

          A. We have a 75 min class every Wednesday for 4 weeks. If you can give yourself the gift of attending the class live or listening to the replay you will get SO much out of the program.  I don't want this to be a program that just gets saved in your program but you never engage with it - that won't help. Show up in whatever way you can and I know it will support you in your Body-Peace® & Aging journey.  

          Q. I’m afraid to commit to another program. Even though I want to feel better about my body, I’m concerned I’ll give up and fail again? Can I get accountability support?

          A. First of all, this is NOT the type of program that you can fail in. The Body-Peace & Aging is an exploration, it's a process, it’s the powerful evolution of YOU! You’ll be on the path of learning to care for yourself with more kindness and respect for what you and your body really needs.

          Second of all, if you do want more support, accountability, and personalized attention - I recommend investing in The Body-Peace® & Aging PLUS Private Guidance. What that means is that in addition to the 4 weeks of curriculum and support, you’ll also have individual coaching sessions with me (Nina). We’ll meet via video conferencing for 45 minutes each week of the program. This is a time that we can dive more fully into the issues and challenges that you are encountering in this process of learning how to deeply nourish yourself.

          Q. I’m in England, Canada, Australia, West Coast/East Coast of the US, Israel, India etc...can I participate in The Compassionate Eating Course?

          A. YES! The really wonderful thing about meeting over video conferencing is that we can create a wonderful community of women from all over the world!

          Q. Will I be on a food plan during The Compassionate Eating Course?

          A. There is no one “right” way of eating. Recognizing what foods make your body hum with ease and pleasure paves the way for stepping away from food rules (what you should and shouldn’t eat) and step into food harmony. Part of your Compassionate Eating journey is listening to which foods enliven and energize you and keep you feeling connected to yourself and, which foods don’t.

          This is not an “eat this” and “don’t eat that” type of program. I want to help you listen to your own knowing instead of trying to live by “the rules.”

          Q: I want to lose weight. Will I lose weight in this program?

          A. I want more for you than weight loss. The desire for weight loss is a desire for feeling at ease and good in your body. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to lose weight and certainly we all want to feel good in our body. However if we only focus on our weight and weight loss, we are limiting our experience of body peace to a very small window of acceptability and usually relegating ourselves to an experiences of restriction. My work is weight inclusive. This means success is not determined by the number on the scale. I am not for weight loss or against weight loss. Some women may lose weight during the Compassionate Eating Course and some may not. I am neutral about your weight. I am however, passionate about you feeling at home in your own body.

          Q. I’m really busy. How much time will The Compassionate Eating CourseTake?

          A. I recommend taking a minimum of 15 minutes a day to focus on the curriculum of the program in addition to attending the classes (or listening to the recordings). This isn’t the type of program that will help you if you don’t engage with it. There is a lot of support and plenty of resources are available for you to delve into, at whichever level that works for you.

          Q. What if I can't make it to all the classes live?

          I know you’re busy and that all the live classes may not work in your schedule. Come to what you can, and listen to the rest via the replay. There will be replays available for every single class. And if you’re concerned about staying current with the recorded sessions I encourage you to sign up for the additional “private guidance”. Working with me one-on-one will support you in staying current with the curriculum and give you the space and time to dive into the unique isssues you are dealing with in your relationship to your food and body.

          Q. I’m afraid to commit to another program. Even though I want to feel better about my body, I’m concerned I’ll give up and fail again? Can I get accountability support?

          A. First of all, this is NOT the type of program that you can fail in. The Compassionate Eating Course is a process, it’s not a perfect, finished product. You’ll be on the path of learning to care for yourself with more kindness and respect for what you and your body really needs.

          Second of all, if you do want more support, accountability, and personalized attention – I recommend investing in The Compassionate Eating Course PLUS Private Guidance. What that means is that in addition to the 21 days of curriculum and support, you’ll also have individual coaching sessions with me (Nina). We’ll meet via video conferencing for 30 minutes each week of the program. This is a time that we can dive more fully into the issues and challenges that you are encountering in this process of learning how to deeply nourish yourself.

          Q. Am I too old or young or fat or thin for this program?

          A. I work for women of all ages and all sizes. There is such incredible healing when women gather in community. The Compassionate Eating program is a safe, no-judgement, welcoming space.

          Q. I’m in England, Canada, Australia, West Coast of the US, Israel, India etc...can I participate in The Compassionate Eating Course?

          A. YES! The really wonderful thing about meeting over video conferencing is that we can create a wonderful community of women from all over the world!

          Here’s what you get with the



          • 6 Live Calls with Nina (me!)
            We meet 2 times per week on video so that you can see me and I can see you (if you want!) to focus on the three areas that are critical to helping you move from the knowing to the doing so you can create the nourishing relationship you long for with your food. Note: This is NOT a self-study or do-it yourself course. I will be with you twice a week to guide you through this without frustration. (Value $750)
          • Daily Nourishing Emails
            These daily inspirational emails walk you each step of the way with fun and ease. They contain the perfect amount of guidance to keep you on track without overwhelming you or taking too much time. Value $140)
          • Recordings of Each Live Call
            If you cannot make a live call or need to cut out early, no worries! You will have exclusive access to the live recordings, so you can participate at a time that’s more convenient to you (Value $100)

          When you register for The Compassionate Eating Course, you’ll also get these powerful bonuses, as well…

          BONUS #1


          Access to coaching support (from me!), connection with a community of women who want the same thing as you, share ideas, ask for support, and get inspired by this amazing community! (Value $100)

          BONUS #2


          A workshop in YOUR kitchen! We’ll fill your fridge with delicious easy to make food. You’ll get super easy recipes that make nourishing yourself fast, easy and delicious. You’ll feel so cared for when you open your own fridge and it’s filled with delicious food!(Value $129)

          BONUS #3


          Make your compassionate eating a steady practice in your life with this recording that you can turn on each morning and evening to help you stay focused by imparting these suggestions on your subconscious mind.

          (Value $25)

          BONUS #4

          BONUS Questions and Coaching Call

          Ask your questions and get coaching in this BONUS call. It’s a POWERFUL session! Whether you come loaded with questions or just want to listen to everyone else, you’ll come away feeling empowered and ready to create shift!

          (Value $97)

          In total, with the materials in the course, as well as the bonuses, this is easily a $1000 program. But I am here to help as many people as I can and I want to make it a resounding YES! for you.

          This Program is backed by my Rock-Solid Guarantee

          Bottom line? I stand behind my work…always. And I am confident that when you join me, you are going to be beyond thrilled with what you learn. Enroll in the Compassionate Eating Course. Listen to the first call. If you are not completely blown away by the level of content then simply send me a one-line email within 24 hours of the live call telling me what didn’t work and asking for your money back and I’ll give you a FULL refund. That’s 100%, right out of my own pocket, to you. You have my word on it!

          “I have so much hope for the future as I move into a space of Body Love.”

          Before this program I was fighting with my body all the time.

          Coming off the holiday binge-cycle, my self-talk was extremely negative and included things like “You are an addict. You have a problem. You need to get this under control.” I was tired and heavy and achy and mildly depressed a lot of the time.

          Through working with Nina and the group I quickly changed the things I was saying to myself and learned how to show myself the kind of love and compassion I would a dear friend or family member.

          I learned how powerful it is to tune in and have a conversation with this body that has been through so much, and deserves to be loved and supported and cared for in the most nourishing ways.

          I have so much hope for the future as I move into a space of Body Love. For the first time in 28 years, not being on a diet/program/plan is the most freeing and life-giving experience I could ever dream!

          Rebecca Thompson

          Please, don’t let this opportunity walk on by and leave you stuck in the food and body wars.

          I promise. It doesn’t have to be that way.

          It’s time to… 


          Release. Replace. And revel in a life of food liberation.
          Because you deserve to feel at home in your body.

          “…most importantly I can have compassion for myself”

          I discovered recently I have survived in blaming those that hurt me. I realize now I am grown up, I can make my own choices. I can move on from blaming and take responsibility for the life I want but most importantly I can have compassion for myself.

          Now I can see, this is my body, this is me. I can create my life from this point forward, exactly as I want it. I take responsibility for all of it.

          Serene LC

          “I’m so glad to have found a different path to feeling at ease with my body and food…”

          Since working with you I know that the body war will only continue if I go into body management. “I’ve really realized  that body-management, the constant seeking of control, is not supportive to my mental, physical and spiritual well-being. I’m so glad to have found a different path to feeling at ease with my body and food, that kind and compassionate voice is growing.

          Susan Bellows

          “I feel more peaceful about my body and my food.”

          Before The Compassionate Eating Course I was trying to understand why I knew what to do but wasn’t doing it. I knew it was something internal that I could not quite put my finger on despite spending a lot of time focused on loving myself.  Through The Compassionate Eating Course I got in touch with inner voices that were there speaking with me regularly but that I hadn’t been able to identify. Basically these were “inner critics” and each night they’d begin saying negative things to me.  The Compassionate Eating Course helped me to see what was happening, learn to speak lovingly to myself ‘and’ set boundaries with the inner critics to they leave me alone now! I feel more peaceful about my body and my food.

          Robyn Vogel

          “My relationship with myself, my food, and my body has already changed for the better.”

          I’m feeling very grateful that I found you. I didn’t know if I could find a teacher and coach whose values match mine and wisdom superexceeds mine. Thank you so much for the work you do. My relationship with myself, my food, and my body has already changed for the better. ❤️

          Lara Willing

          “It’s so true, unfortunately our bodies do take the hit for us trying to survive.”

          It’s so true, unfortunately our bodies do take the hit for us trying to survive.

          Your work is so valuable as it gives us a tool to reconnect with our poor lost bodies!

          Susan Kelemen-pfistner

          “This is a relationship and I am entitled and I CAN give myself permission to be kind to my body!”

          My aha was that I can and hopefully will, in time, interact with myself in a similar way to how I interact with those I love. If not now, when, comes to mind. What am I waiting for? I think it was this, this Compassionate Eating course, that showed me a new perspective, one where I don’t neglect myself and where I treat myself as I treat others, with respect, kindness and love.

          For me it wasn’t really about what I eat, rather why I chose to have the habits I have. Healing physical or emotional pain with food is not the relationship I want to have with my body, it is not respectful. This has been a whole new framework for me. This is a relationship and I am entitled and I CAN give myself permission to be kind to my body!

          Suzi Shore Sauvé

          “…I feel I have reached an acceptance of how things are and therefore I am kinder to myself.”

          Before the Compassionate Eating Course I felt frustrated with myself that at 67 years of age, I still had bingeing episodes.  I thought that by the time I was a “mature woman” I would be “over” this behaviour and “cured”. I now have a better understanding of myself and my relationship with food and I feel I have reached an acceptance of how things are and therefore I am kinder to myself.  I have loved Nina’s poems and learned valuable tools to add to my tool box.

          Patricia Martin

          P.S. Because I know what it’s like to be a busy woman – life always gets in the way of what you intend to do for yourself – I want to encourage you to register right now for the Compassionate Eating Course

          Over the last 10 years I’ve been guiding more and more GROUPS of women along this path of Body-Peace®, Body-Trust®, and Deep Nourishment. I’ve noticed that when we connect with other women on the path, we thrive! Community is healing for us!

          I hope you’ll join us and create a relationship with your food and body that feels truly good. If you have any questions at all about joining The Compassionate Eating Course, please don’t hesitate to be in touch with me at or on the chat button on this page.

          And just so you can get a sense of my style, I’m very real, practical and compassionate. This program  is exactly that – very practical and very nourishing. I hope you’ll join me!

          I look forward to guiding you to your most vibrant, energetic, sensual, nurtured, balanced, and deeply nourished you!