Do you want to feel truly at home in your body?
Sometimes you’re doing great. You feel like you really know how to DEEPLY CARE for yourself and be kind to yourself. And then…you fall back to familiar, painful patterns and feel DEFEATED.
Imagine finally making PEACE with your body and food.
The Body-Peace Path is specifically for you if…
You do better with consistent support and you want
to create a consistent
compassionate, caring, respectful, nourishing relationship with your body.
Working with women and their relationship with their food and body for 25 years, I’ve realized that 3 factors create the change we are seeking in our relationship with our body and food.
- Support – we need to let go of the idea that we can do it alone. It’s time to relax into support!
- Community – shifting our relationship with food and body is SO much easier when we’re connected.
- A clear compassionate path – enough with the latest diet or short term fix. It’s time to find a way that works ongoing and pleasurably.
You’ve changed short term.
But have you ever shifted your self-care for a YEAR and beyond?
The nourished path is for you if you’re a woman who…
- already knows what they “should” be doing to feel good, but it’s just not happening in your daily life.
- doesn’t want a new diet to get all enthusiastic about – only to drop it a couple of weeks in.
- is willing to look at the underlying issues that keep you struggling with food and body issues.
- is inspired by other women.
- loves honest and real support and guidance, vs. rah-rah cheerleading.
- knows that there is power in being in community and connection with other wonderful women.
What’s the curriculum?
The Nourished Path curriculum is created from what I know helps women come home to their bodies.
It’s also created by what YOU need and the issues that feel pertinent and relevant to you!
Here are some of the themes that we explore – but each program is customized to fit you!

The program includes:
- 3 hour-long video conference calls each month – with a VERY small group – (no more than 10) women. We meet on Tuesdays at noon Eastern time. One call is a Curriculum call and the other is an integration call. There will always be time to address your specific needs.
- Individual coaching sessions – once or twice a month or every other month – depending on what you choose.
- Body Current Zoom Calls. – a movement experience that helps you learn to listen and respond to your body.
- Full Access to The Body-Peace Seekers program.
I’ve always struggled with feeling ‘unworthy’ and eating my feelings. Still working on this…but not feeling so alone! If all of the amazing, beautiful, accomplished women are on the same path…maybe I am not broken either??
Nina has a broad range of knowledge on all things food and body, and you know she has been there herself. There have been many times when I have felt like there just wasn’t an answer for me, that my relationship to food and my body was too weird or unique for anyone to ‘get me’ but Nina has been there. She’s there with compassion, an answer, and no shame. And if that answer didn’t work…another and another. She is a partner and a tutor in helping me speak this new language of body love and acceptance.”
Body image, body relationship, body weight – I struggle with them all. This program has helped me to slowly unravel and shift deeply ingrained and unhelpful patterns around eating and develop a gentler, kinder, and more responsive way to be in relationship with my body. I am learning how to nourish and honor my body in a different, more relaxed, and natural-feeling way.
Through The Nourished Path, I’ve learned that trying to manage my body will never help me make peace with food and eating. That being in conversation with my body and learning how to be responsive to it and trusting of it will lead to greater happiness and self love. That being in love with myself and my body is far more important than any number on the scale.
Working with Nina has been like having a warm, comfy, cozy blanket wrapped tightly around me helping me feel that I am safe, cared about, seen, heard, and deeply nourished. It’s a place of “Ahhhh – All IS right with the world – in this moment, in this place of now.”
The Next time the doors open for The Nourished Path is March 2020.
The investment of The Nourished Path is $350 to $6500/month depending on how much individual support you want.
I want to make sure that the Nourished Woman Path is the perfect place for you, so let’s have a casual chat so I can get a sense of your goals.
About Nina:

She’s the founder of NinaManolson.com and the Nourished Woman Nation.
Nina offers individual sessions and group programs. She is also the founder of the Nourished Woman Nation – a community of women who are stepping into feeling truly good from the inside out.
Before joining the Nourished Path, I struggled with eating healthy foods in a healthy amount. I was totally unaware of the food I was putting in my body. I was constantly berating myself.
I didn’t realize how disconnected my body was from my mind. I think of myself as pretty self-aware, and I think it is truer than ever as I learn how to be aware of my body below my nose to my toes.
This is a huge process of relearning. This is not a diet. This is about learning to not bang myself up with negative thoughts. It’s about learning to honor what my body wants and learning to listen to my body. It’s ok to give myself permission to not be perfect. There is no end goal as such, rather, its a retooling of how I think – an ongoing process.
Nina is amazing. She teaches by example how to be non judgemental of ourselves. She listens and is always checking in so we learn to do the same when she isn’t around. It’s a nice voice to have in my head sometimes.
I wish I had found Nina many years ago……THANK YOU!”
As I make my way through the challenges of knowing myself better, and of understanding what’s actually going on with my destructive behaviors around food, Nina is my talented and wise facilitator.
The Nourished Path Program is well titled, as it’s an approach to caring for oneself through “nourishment” not “punishment.” It’s part meditation, part therapy, and very importantly part support, which includes the amazing group of expressive and open women who have joined in on this journey.
Through this work I’ve realized completely that being obsessed with dieting and endlessly trying to lose weight through restrictive measures does not work and does not serve me in the long run. To be able to work with Nina on the Nourished Path is a precious gift.”
Before I started on my Path with Nina and the other women on my Path, I was a scale worshiper. I thought my day wasn’t going to be a good one unless my magic number was within reach or reached! As you can imagine I had very few “good” days! I was obsessed with food and although I knew the “right” things to eat I was always “sneaking” in the forbidding things! Not a very pretty way to live.
When I started working with Nina, I started to hear my body. Who knew my body was talking to me!
My body image is changing, meaning I’m happy with my body. When I look in the mirror I’m happy with what I see, I’m not trying to change it. Is that because I’ve lost weight? Who knows, I NEVER go on the scale. My doctor is happy with my blood results, I feel great, what could be bad!!!
I LOVE my group and Nina is definitely My Leader as we go along our Path to Nourishment together!
It’s so comforting to be with other women and have a common thread. I’m not saying that the thread is food, it’s stronger than that; it’s that we are all women who have spent too much of our lives trying to change, correct, or eliminate parts of our body instead of Nourishing our body.
That is what is so brilliant about what Nina is doing. We learn from each other in our group and knowing these other women are there to support me is the best!!!
So what I have learned from the group, as it is moving forward, is that what we all have in common is our bond and through that bond the food, etc becomes secondary. Its the bond that is the common ground and it is Nina who is the glue that holds us all together!”
About 1 year ago I came across Nourished Women that carried my interest into more nourished programs that Nina offered.
You could say I became addicted!
The Nourished path for me is so enjoyable and rewarding!
I joined because I was looking for help to lose weight, become healthy, and learn anything new that would help me with nourishing my body.
So far the program has taught me…
- to be patient with myself,
- to take time for myself,
- to nourish my body in new ways,
- to listen to what my body is asking for,
- how to choose what to eat,
- how to love myself and my body,
- how to go deeper into caring and learning about myself.
There is so much support from Nina and the women in the group.
I find it a safe place to share and learn.
It really helps to know that I am not alone, that other women share the same struggles.
Nina provides so much great information to us to work with at our own pace.
I also like that no way is a right way; it’s whatever works right for me.
Nina has been working with me during private calls to help give me direction how to get to where I want. I am amazed at what I am learning about myself.
Through this program I have discovered that for me food is not the only key to losing weight.
I am surprised that it is the deep emotions from my past that I must deal with so I won’t use food abusively or as a cover up.
It is a journey that takes patience, time, learning, understanding, and love in order to achieve results.
The program has offered me a lot in providing me with self-care that is doable and real.
Nina’s a very qualified, knowledgeable, down to earth, loving, attentive, positive person who truly cares and wants to help women feel good in their own body.
It is a wonderful program that teaches me how to have a positive relationship with food and my body so I can love my body and life.
Thank you so much Nina, for all you do and for coming into my life!”