A 28 day self-paced jumpstart onto the Body-Peace® Path!
(for women who are ready to end the body & food struggles)

A 28 day self-paced journey that will put you firmly on the path to Body-Peace!

Imagine this…
Looking in the mirror and saying something kind to yourself
Getting dressed with ease
Eating without guilt or remorse
Walking into a room and feeling comfortable and confident in your body
This is what Body-Peace feels like

If you’ve spent years, even decades in a struggle with your body,
Body-Peace is possible for you!
Most women exist within the confines of
BODY-HATE & SHAME which sounds like…
- I hate my belly/thighs/arms – my whole body!
- I don’t want to be seen naked or even in a bathing suit!
- I don’t want to go to the party, they’re going to judge my size.
BODY-MANAGEMENT which sounds like…
- I just need to have more control and willpower!
- I’ll start again tomorrow or Monday, or the 1st of the month!
- I need a new plan/diet/program/cleanse!

There’s a better, and way more fun relationship
we can have with our body…and that’s
If any of these statements feels familiar…
- I should “do something” to get control of my food and body!
- I can’t do one more diet, but I’m so unhappy with my body I just don’t know what to do.
- I’m so tired of feeling bad about myself
Then it’s time to break out of Body-Hate and Body-Management and step into where the healing happens!
And just to be 100% clear, this is not a diet. This has nothing to do with losing-7-pounds-in-7-days gimmicks.
In fact, this is about reshaping not your body, but your RELATIONSHIP with your body…
This is the deep work of getting out of a painful dynamic of “being in control” and then feeling “out of control” with your body.
This is the deep healing work of cultivating a nourishing conversation with your body, when all you’ve ever learned is how to give your body a hard time.

Do you remember life before you judged your body?
- Do you remember what it felt like to NOT second guess everything you ate?
- Do you remember what it felt like to feel FREE in your body and not feel like you were being judged and not judging yourself?
- Can you imagine waking up, getting dressed with EASE, nourishing yourself with pleasure and RESPECT?
It’s time to get back to this feeling of peacefully BEING in your body.
Even if you’ve NEVER had this experience, it’s possible!
And wow…is it a relief!


Learn how to LISTEN to your body cues so that you’re able to better respond and respect yourself

EXPLORE the conversation you’re currently having with your body to get to the core of your body-struggles

DISCOVER the Body Relationship that truly makes you thrive and deeply understand what’s keeping you stuck where you are

Step firmly onto you Body-Peace path so that you create a stable, caring and sustainable relationship with your body – forever!
I now have a practice that helps me to tune into my body’s messages and learn its language.
Nina teaches easily implemented practices that enable me to tune into my body’s messages and learn its language. As someone who tended to “stay in my head” so much of the time, these gentle and friendly practices help me learn to inhabit my whole body and relax. I am so grateful to have found Nina and Body-Peace.

Welcome to The Body-Peace Starter Kit.
This is an engaging, program, that is a bold step into the foundations of Body-Peace.
In the words of my wise and wondrous clients…
Body-Peace is…
- Freedom. Freedom from a war we never asked for, a war thrust upon us.
- Being a conscientious objector to a war that was never yours.
- Feeling deep in your soul, a knowing you are enough.
- A practice. Once you greet yourself with compassion you slowly realize your internal nasty voice gets quieter & quieter until one day you realize you’ve been saying kind, wonderful things to your reflection in the mirror & most times you truly believe it.
- A gentle, compassionate, patient, tender relationship to self.
- Body peace is peace.
to join the Body-Peace STARTER KIT!
Body-Peace Starter Kit
- ☮️ 8 Deep Dive Curriculum Videos to take at your pace
- ☮️ Weekly Support Emails to reinforce and guide your process
- ☮️ Members-Only Forum (on our own platform, not Facebook)
- ☮️ Handouts
- ☮️ Body-Peace Meditations
- 2-pay option is available below
Body-Peace STARTER KITWatch Nina introduce and invite you to navigate the Body-Peace Map in her recent masterclass:
The Path to Body-Peace
When we are done, you will be able to:
Identify what kind of Body-Relationship is guiding you at any given moment and how to shift out of self-blame or shame and into a supportive and respectful dynamic.
Communicate with your body so that you’ll know how to deeply nourish and care for yourself.
Have clear practices that will help you stop hating on yourself for what you ate and stop shaming yourself in the mirror.
For those of you who are tired of your struggle with food, stop and sign up. This is the last step in a long journey to appreciate your body and accept yourself. This is the last thing you will ever “try” to fix yourself when you are ready to step off the hamster’s wheel.
Your body is WAITING for you!
She’s been there for you, literally, all of your life.
It’s your turn to show up…
with an olive branch!

Cultivating Body-Peace is one of the greatest practices you can have in toolkit of “being you”. And I am honored to supporting you in creating YOUR Body-Peace practice, so it fits you perfectly!
I am pretty good at relationships. I discovered I was taking one for granted-the one with my body! I am now listening to her…..caringly and with deep appreciation.
I feel a greater sense of peace and delight.

I am your body’s greatest advocate. For 30 years, I’ve helped women end the war with their bodies to make peace inside themselves so they feel truly relaxed with food and at home in their body..
I’m Nina Manolson, M.A. I’m a Body-Peace® Coach, a Nutrition and Body-Relationship Therapist, Certified Psychology of Eating Teacher, Body-Trust Guide, Certified Intuitive Eating Coach and Nationally Board Certified Holistic Health Coach.
My clients move past the deprivation-diet paradigm and into a compassionate and powerful way of eating & living which creates deep, long-lasting change in and with their bodies…and with the world around them.
All women, even YOU, deserve to feel truly good from the inside out.
How is the Body-Peace® Starter Kit delivered?

This is a 28-day program, valued at $899, but because I want to make this step onto the Body-Peace Path easy for you…
(And I know you’ve tried SO many things and are afraid of failing again…- but it’s impossible to fail on the Body-Peace Path because you’re not trying to stick to a new regime, you’re creating a RELATIONSHIP with your body!)
….you’ll only pay $187 (but a heads up, this pricing won’t stick around for long).
You’re tired of feeling bad about your body and what you ate.
You are DONE with diets because you’ve been on way too many of them and you know they don’t work because they aren’t sustainable.
This is for you.
This is for your sense of emotional and mental well-being.
This is for your body.
This is for your LIFE!
So you can end the body-hate and body-shame!
This is for you if you’re ready to find a sustainable, kind and caring path – The Body-Peace Path
Creating a caring and respectful relationship with your body starts with The Body-Peace® Starter Kit
Questions & Answers
Q. Is there a food plan as part of the Body-Peace Starter Kit?
A. There is no “one-right-way” of eating. Recognizing what foods make your body hum with ease and pleasure paves the way for stepping away from food rules (what you should and shouldn’t eat) and step into food harmony. A big part of your Body-Peace Starter Kit journey is learning to deeply listen to your body so that you can discern what YOUR supportive way of eating is. This is not an “eat this” and “don’t eat that” type of program. I want to help you listen to your own knowing instead of trying to live by “the rules.”
Q: I want to lose weight. Will I lose weight in this program?
A. I want more for you than weight loss. The desire for weight loss is a desire for feeling at ease and good in your body. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to lose weight and certainly we all want to feel good in our body. However, if we only focus on our weight and weight loss, we are limiting our experience of body peace to a very small window of acceptability and usually relegating ourselves to an experiences of restriction. My work is weight inclusive. This means success is not determined by the number on the scale. I am not for weight loss or against weight loss. I am neutral about your weight. I am however, passionate about you feeling at home in your own body so that you can feel like your body is a good place to live.
Q. I’m really busy. How much time does it take to work with the Body-Peace Starter Kit?
A. I’ll gently guide you through the 8 modules, inviting you to explore two modules a week in live Zoom sessions that are 1 hr each.
This isn’t the type of program that will help you if you don’t engage with it. There is a lot of support and plenty of resources are available for you to delve into. All the sessions are recorded, but I encourage you to join me live (if your schedule allows) because you’ll get more support and momentum in the live experience.
Q. I’m afraid to commit to another program. Even though I want to feel better about my body, I’m concerned I’ll give up and fail again? Can I get accountability support?
A. First of all, this is NOT the type of program that you can fail in. The Body-Peace Starter Kit is the doorway into an incredibly powerful process, it’s not a perfect, finished product. You’ll be on the path of learning to care for yourself with more kindness and respect for what you and your body really needs.
Second of all, if you do want more support, accountability, and personalized attention – please message me (there’s a button on the bottom right of this page) or send me an email at nina @ ninamanolson.com and let me know what’s on your mind and heart.
Q. Am I too old or young or fat or thin for this program?
A. I work with women of all ages and all sizes – all over the world. I’ve created the Body-Peace Starter Kit out of 30 years of working with women who are struggling to feel truly at ease and at peace in their body.
Q. I’m in England, Canada, Australia, West Coast of the US, Israel, India etc...can I access The Body-Peace Starter Kit?
A. YES! The Body-Peace Starter Kit will be shared with you via email. It’s full of resources (videos, audio recordings, transcripts, handouts and more) that you can access from your computer in your own time zone at your own pace.
What are the dates of the live sessions?
DATES & TIMES: All calls at:
- 4:00pm EASTERN
- 1:00pm PACIFIC
- 9:00pm UK
Can’t make the live calls? No worries, all our calls will be recorded.
- #1: MONDAY Jan 16th
- #2 FRIDAY Jan 20th
- #3: MONDAY Jan 23rd
- #4: FRIDAY Jan 27th
- #5: MONDAY Jan 30th
- #6: FRIDAY Feb 3rd
- #7: MONDAY Feb 6th
- #8: FRIDAY Feb 10th
- BONUS Q & A: FRIDAY Feb 17th
Body-Peace® work has let me see and feel how valuable and useful my body is. I also had the realization that I need to take care of it and appreciate what it does for me. This is a huge improvement over the body-disgust I generally feel.
to join the Body-Peace STARTER KIT!
Body-Peace Starter Kit
- ☮️ 8 Deep Dive Curriculum Videos to take at your pace
- ☮️ Weekly Support Emails to reinforce and guide your process
- ☮️ Members-Only Forum (on our own platform, not Facebook)
- ☮️ Handouts
- ☮️ Body-Peace Meditations
- 2-pay option is available below
Body-Peace STARTER KITYou do not have to continue the body fight
You do not have to blame or shame yourself or starve yourself because you don’t think you’re “good enough” anymore.
The course was awesome!
This is the work that creates FREEDOM!!!