Focus on YOU and YOUR unique food & body issues for a series of three individual sessions with Nina Manolson, M.A.
The “perfect” life. The insta-worthy image.
It’s exhausting to keep up.
Yet, as a wellness coach or therapist – as a guide for your clients who is expected to show up and “look good” – that pressure is real.
But, you don’t have to struggle with the feeling of not living up to that ideal any longer.
Don’t let the feeling of “not good enough” or “not having the ‘right’ body” continue to slow you down from helping
as many people as you can.
There is a space for YOU to do your healing…
to do another layer of your inner work that will help you show up as the real you, a more healed you.
As a coach or therapist, you already know the importance of doing your own work.
But it’s been hard to find a space that feels safe enough for you to heal.
Look no further.
Just as you’ve been sheltering those you work with so they could safely work through their pain, you finally have a safe space to do another layer of your own work so you can finally show up, feeling aligned and energized.
Because when you show up AS YOU…owning your stuff…you become an even larger magnet for those that need your brand of awesome.
Without feeling depleted at the end of the day.
Without feeling like your own food and body issues are muddying the clarity of your work.
When you get closer and closer to that level of you-ness that you project in your practice, your ability to attract and support the people you want to work with becomes natural. And feels effortless.
You stand in your true knowing. You don’t feel like a fraud.
That’s when you are not only most effective for your ideal clients, but you are able to work your practice in a way that feels more aligned and less tiresome.
Who is this individual work for?
Coaches who feel they are still struggling with their relationship with their food, body and weight
Coaches who feel like their confidence in their work is sometimes shaken because they don’t feel like they are walking the talk they put out into the world
Coaches who find it exhausting to hold up the ideal of walking the talk
Coaches who need a safe space to be real and do their own work on their relationship with food and body so they can be the best coaches they can be for their clients
Being able to grow gives you a greater capacity to show up, to be, to hold space for others.
And that’s why this work is so important.

I am your body’s greatest advocate. For 30 years, I’ve helped women end the war with their bodies to make peace inside themselves so they feel truly relaxed with food and at home in their body..
I’m Nina Manolson, M.A. I’m a Body-Peace® Coach, a Nutrition and Body-Relationship Therapist, Certified Psychology of Eating Teacher, Body-Trust Guide, Certified Intuitive Eating Coach and Nationally Board Certified Holistic Health Coach.
My clients move past the deprivation-diet paradigm and into a compassionate and powerful way of eating & living which creates deep, long-lasting change in and with their bodies…and with the world around them.
All women, even YOU, deserve to feel truly good from the inside out.
We’ll schedule your first of your three 45-min individual sessions once you’ve registered for the series.
You’ll receive an email from me so that we can coordinate a time that works for both of us. I’m looking forward to getting to know you and support you!
My regular rate is $250 a session, your coaching special is $200 a session.
Three 45-min individual sessions
Full Value: $7502-Pay Option
Three 45-min individual sessions
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