Copy of more than flowers-2I love Mothers Day!

Yes, I know it’s a holiday contrived by the marketing world to get us to buy cards and flowers, but it’s also a day that gets our culture to stop and appreciate motherhood and all that we do as mothers.

This mother’s day, I want to invite, encourage and cajole you to ask for more than flowers and brunch.

I want you to complete these 2 sentences.

These 2 phrases are so powerful because they get right into what truly feeds us…what deeply nourishes us and what we need to feel alive, nourished and deeply cared for.



The way I know I’m loved is – – –

Do you feel loved and appreciated when someone expresses their appreciation with words? A song, a poem, a card?

Or perhaps it really touches you when someone takes the time to be of service and does the dishes, makes a meal, or takes care of the kids?

Or maybe the way you really take in love via touch, with a hug, a massage, a tender touch.

We all take in love differently. What’s YOUR way? How do you, uniquely YOU, take in love?

When we know what kind of love we can really absorb, assimilate and digest, then we can ask for it and thus take in the love that’s already available in our life (but may not be offered in a way that we can take in).


I am really hungry for – –

There are two kinds of nutrition:

  • Primary Nutrition
  • Secondary Nutrition

Secondary Nutrition is what shows up on your plate. What you eat – food.

Primary Nutrition are all the other things that deeply nourish you in your life:

  • relationships
  • work
  • exercise/movement
  • nature
  • spirituality
  • sexuality/sensuality

My question to you today is in the realm of Primary Nutrition.

  • What are you really hungry for…in the realm of Primary Nutrition?
  • What do you really long for and need?
  • What are your desires?
  • What would truly fill you up?

When YOU know what you really, really need/desire/long for, then you are so much more likely to get it.

Now, comes the tricky bit.

This is often hard for women.

I want you to ASK for love in exactly the way that you can take it in.

I want you to ASK for support in getting the Primary Nutrition the deep nourishment that you truly desire.

Let me know how it goes.

I’m committed to you being a truly Nourished Woman, because Nourished Woman are happy, vibrant, and luminous. And when you feel that way….woah…we’ve got something good going on!

   ~ ~ ~ ~

Nina Manolson, MA, CHC, certified Health Coach and Psychology of Eating Coach believes that every women deserves to feel good in their own body. She helps women create a healthy and positive relationship with their food and body so they can love their body and life! She’s the founder of and

She helps busy women look and feel their best, and helps them feed their kids well in a world that doesn’t.

She’s the author of “Feed Your Kids Well In A World That Doesn’t: an everyday guide to make healthy food happen in your home and beyond”. She’s also the recipient of the prestigious Health Leadership Award from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

To get your F.R.E.E. Video Series “What to do now, when everything you’ve done hasn’t worked” by mail and receive her healthy recipes and wellness tips click here.