Do’s and Don’ts of Detoxing

Do’s and Don’ts of Detoxing

It’s summer and this is the perfect time to step into a detox! The produce is fresh and delicious The weather is warmer It’s a natural time to want to help our body feel more alive! Personally, I LOVE detoxes! I think of them as an update of my...
Ever have trouble putting yourself to bed?

Ever have trouble putting yourself to bed?

Just to be clear from the get-go, this article isn’t about the actual act of falling asleep. For sure – many women have a hard time drifting into slumberland – but this isn’t about that. This isn’t about sleep hygiene: quiet, cool, dark...
5 reasons why women keep self-care a secret

5 reasons why women keep self-care a secret

“I haven’t told my husband what I’m doing” “My friends are telling me I look fantastic, but I’m not letting them know what I’m up to” “I’m keeping it as my secret for now” I’ve heard these...
Shocking and liberating wellness wisdom…

Shocking and liberating wellness wisdom…

I want to share some wisdom I gave one of my clients this week because it totally shocked her. Let me begin with saying that I LOVE hearing how great my clients are doing! I just finished leading a group of women in my Nourished Woman Intensive and the positive...
10 Rules for a Healthy, Happy Kitchen

10 Rules for a Healthy, Happy Kitchen

I call myself a casual cook. I’m not a fancy chef, I haven’t been trained at any kind of cooking school at all. I didn’t learn how to cook growing up. I didn’t start cooking until my husband and I bought a house together, and we realized that we could no longer...