5 self-mothering tips
#1: CHECK IN WITH YOURSELF IN A VERY DELIBERATE WAY Just like you would check in with a child when they come home from school… “How are you honey? How was your day?” Make it a ritual to do that for yourself – several times of the day. This...
what is Body-Appreciation?
Body-appreciation is such a juicy concept to wrap your mind around because it takes you out of the duality of… I HATE my body or I LOVE my body It also has the potential of shifting you out of the “my body is a never-ending project” mindset....
5 ways to center yourself when you’re feeling off-kilter
In an ideal world we would all feel calm, at ease and totally centered. But we don’t live in an ideal world. We live in a reality, where we encounter frustrations, deadlines, losses, illness, and more. There is so much of life that destabilizes and makes...
#metoo and your relationship with your body
The #metoo phenomenon of women speaking out about their sexual abuse and/or violations by men feels like a game-changer for women. It’s hopefully shifting the way that men treat women, but I also believe it will have a big impact on women’s body-image and...