Triggered? 3 tips for deep self-care.
When life gets intense and our wounds are triggered and it’s hard to feel good in our own skin, we need basics that help soothe and support our nervous system. Here are three powerful approaches to caring for you and your nervous system: CONNECT: When we are...
5 self-mothering tips
#1: CHECK IN WITH YOURSELF IN A VERY DELIBERATE WAY Just like you would check in with a child when they come home from school… “How are you honey? How was your day?” Make it a ritual to do that for yourself – several times of the day. This...
What the cacti have to say to you…
Every morning during my visit to Tucson, Arizona I woke up early and went hiking in the mountains among the saguaro cacti. It was awesome! I have never spent time in the desert so hanging out with cacti was new for me and because of the novelty, I saw everything with...
I just want to eat like a normal person…
“Everyone else goes out and has nachos and margaritas and stays skinny. If I eat that, I blow up!” “My friends are able to have a bite of dessert and then not eat the whole thing…I can’t do that!” “The rest of my family...