When all she sees is chaos
A diet looks
Like a recipe for peace
At least in her body
At least where she longs for control
And don't we all want peace
At least some small soft lovable peace
So she takes her
Puts it on a diet
As if to tame the wild of the world
In her own stomach
She makes her own body
A battle ground for control
She forgets that her body
Is not where the problem lies
That another diet
Will bring more frustration and failure than peace
She forgets that if she just holds her body
With gentleness
It can hold her back
Even in chaos
~Nina Manolson & Ruby Russell

Nina Manolson, MA, is the founder of Body-Peace®.She helps women end the war with food and body and finally feel truly at home in their body—as it is.
She is known for her deeply feminist, anti-diet, body-peace® approach. She brings her 30 years of experience as a therapist, Body-Trust® Guide and Psychology of Eating Teacher to helping women create a respectful and trusting relationship with their food and body.
Nina’s Body-Peace® work is all in service of helping people get off the diet roller-coaster, and into a compassionate and powerful way of eating & living which creates a positive long-lasting change in and with their bodies. Her courses, coaching, poems and Body-Peace APP positively change the conversation that women are having with their body.
Start your Body-Peace® journey with this free masterclass that will help you understand and shift your relationship with your body.