I look forward to offering your community a talk that invites them to boldly and compassionately step into Body-Peace.
Email me at: Nina@NinaManolson.com
Call me at: 617-771-5121
Here’s my speaker sheet.
Below you’ll find my full bio and promotional image.

Nina Manolson M.A. is a Body-Peace® coach. She helps women end the war with food and body and finally feel truly at home in their body. Really at home. The kind of at home where you can run around naked and not worry about what is “good enough” or what others will think. The kind of good that allows you to feel ultimate freedom.
Nina is also a Certified Psychology of Eating Teacher, Nationally Board Certified Holistic Health Coach and Certified Body-Trust Guide with 30 years of experience working with women.
She helps her clients move past the deprivation-diet paradigm and into a compassionate and powerful way of eating & living which creates deep, long-lasting change in and with their bodies.
Nina works with individuals, groups and writes body-poems – all in service of helping women create a respectful and nourishing relationship with their body. Learn more at: NinaManolson.com