“This is the work that creates freedom!”
“The course was awesome!”
“This is the work that creates FREEDOM!!!”
“Thanks to you and Body Peace, I laugh when that diet monster whispers.”
“My body is perfect just as she is, I am built for the joy and sorrow, easy and hard times. I am no longer climbing that diet mountain, thanks to you.”
“I now love the body I have”
“Going through Nina’s Body-Peace Map Workshop and then a follow up program allowed me to not only see myself in a more positive light, but more importantly love the body I have. It’s made a difference to my outlook on life, and how I care for myself.”
I am no longer climbing that diet mountain
Thanks to you and Body Peace, I laugh when that diet monster whispers.
My body is perfect just as she is, I am built for the joy and sorrow, easy and hard times.
I am no longer climbing that diet mountain, thanks to you.
Oh! I have days or moments, they pass quickly, I am reminded of all I have learned.
I highly recommend participating in this powerful retreat
As soon as I read the description for the Receiving Retreat, I knew it was what I needed, because I was in the midst of enduring what seemed like a year of uninterrupted giving to others – as a Crisis Navigation PartnerTM, a family member, and a friend. An opportunity to receive and rejuvenate? Yes, please!
Six months later, the retreat I experienced actually surpassed the retreat I’d imagined when I joyfully said yes. Nina and her team provided us with an optimal physical and emotional environment.
Everything was beautiful. Everything was warm and welcoming. Everything was optional. Everything was accommodating. All feelings, hopes, dreams and concerns were included in our community dialogue.
After a week of allowing myself to receive (deliciousness, nutrition, hugs, sleep, ideas, insights, positive feedback, etc.), I felt permanently changed. I’d learned that in some ways I had blocked giving from reaching me. So I consciously began to allow the Universe and other humans to give to me again. I left the retreat feeling more peaceful, rested, fulfilled, connected, and hopeful than I’d been in a long time.
Six months after it ended I still carry these beautiful lessons, experiences, and new friends with me. I highly recommend participating in this powerful retreat!
When I first found Nina, I had spent years obsessively managing my body—restricting food, hitting the gym, and chasing what I thought was the ‘perfect’ body. But I wasn’t happy, and I couldn’t sustain it. Meeting Nina transformed everything. She helped me shift from being a controlling manager of my body to building a real relationship with it. Now, instead of focusing on appearances, I listen, communicate, and connect with this vital part of myself. It’s been life-changing to embrace a two-way relationship with my body, rather than imposing endless rules and expectations.
I came away functioning on a new level of loving and taking care of myself.
I felt TOTALLY taken care of during the retreat and even at ease with the travel. Everything was very planned out, my room was as I’d hoped, the food was wonderful, as I have many special needs around what I prefer to eat and not eat.
The activities of the day were beautifully paced and varied, which fed my mind, body and soul. And after the retreat, being able to stay connected with these amazing women at times of choosing, has kept the gifts of the retreat alive.
Most meaningful was that I felt I came away functioning on a new level of loving and taking care of myself.
The retreat for me was transformative! I left the retreat with a new powerful image of ME!
“It’s made a difference to my outlook on life, my perception of healthy food, and how I care for myself. ”
By happenstance, I came across this lovely woman, Nina Manolson, who has truly awakened me to the beauty of all that is me. Going through her master class and than a follow up program has allowed me to not only see myself in a more positive light, but more importantly love the body I have. It’s made a difference to my outlook on life, my perception of healthy food, and how I care for myself. I highly recommend her…you’ll enjoy her perspective and her personal attention to your individual needs. She’s a gem and an angel on earth!
“I feel compassion towards my body now, something I really didn’t have before.”
“I’m sure I’m not the only one who has reacted to the news and politics of the past three years by eating for pleasure. With so much cruelty and madness in the world, sometimes having those French fries, or a visit to a favorite bakery for a little sweetness has kept me going.
Added to that, having young children who don’t finish their food and not wanting to waste anything made me into the garbage disposal. It wasn’t until this summer, when I realized my wardrobe wasn’t fitting anymore, that I came to understand that I wasn’t treating my body with the respect it deserves.
I thought about the weight-loss options out there, but they all seemed so rigid, and none of them dealt with what I really needed: The ability to help my body heal. To feel good about myself. To stop beating myself up. And to not judge myself if I did want a little treat.
With Nina’s help, I am aware of what is good for my body, and how to talk to myself about my food choices, and perhaps most important of all, to understand why I’m eating the food I’m eating and not to beat myself up.
I no longer want to finish my daughters’ food. I can recognize that my urge for something sweet could mean I’m feeling low energy, and understand that it is probably my body asking for more sleep. I feel compassion towards my body now, something I really didn’t have before.
I ate well before, but now I eat with compassion and respect for my body.”
“The biggest shift I made with Nina, was learning how to make my holistic wellness sustainable, authentic, and pleasurable ”
“Working with Nina has been a game changer for me! When I first came to Nina, I had a lot of understanding and language around my body and health issues but I didn’t have the accountability and the fine tuning I needed for the sustainable transformation I was seeking.
Nina’s brilliant approach is truly holistic in that she involves your mind, body, and spirit throughout the whole journey of coming home to holistic wellness. She has so many skills and resources to offer for your own wellness/self-care tool box, plus she truly holds scared space to show up as your full authentic self in order to dive into what’s really blocking you from body ease, body trust, and true self love.
The biggest shift I made with Nina, was learning how to make my holistic wellness sustainable, authentic, and pleasurable; this meant learning boundaries, boundaries, BOUNDARIES and truly figuring out what it means to have fun taking care of myself FIRST and others second from a place of play, pleasure, and fullness instead of depletion, resentment, and insecurity.
Nina truly is a Queen of Holistic Wellness, an expert at health at every size, and a beautiful human whose soul medicine is so needed in this world! She is magic and working with her is truly revolutionary! So what are you waiting for!!!”
“I am amazed at what I am learning about myself.”
About 1 year ago I came across Nourished Women that carried my interest into more nourished programs that Nina offered.
You could say I became addicted!
The Nourished path for me is so enjoyable and rewarding!
I joined because I was looking for help to lose weight, become healthy, and learn anything new that would help me with nourishing my body.
So far the program has taught me…
- to be patient with myself,
- to take time for myself,
- to nourish my body in new ways,
- to listen to what my body is asking for,
- how to choose what to eat,
- how to love myself and my body,
- how to go deeper into caring and learning about myself.
There is so much support from Nina and the women in the group.
I find it a safe place to share and learn.
It really helps to know that I am not alone, that other women share the same struggles.
Nina provides so much great information to us to work with at our own pace.
I also like that no way is a right way; it’s whatever works right for me.
Nina has been working with me during private calls to help give me direction how to get to where I want. I am amazed at what I am learning about myself.
Through this program I have discovered that for me food is not the only key to losing weight.
I am surprised that it is the deep emotions from my past that I must deal with so I won’t use food abusively or as a cover up.
It is a journey that takes patience, time, learning, understanding, and love in order to achieve results.
The program has offered me a lot in providing me with self-care that is doable and real.
Nina’s a very qualified, knowledgeable, down to earth, loving, attentive, positive person who truly cares and wants to help women feel good in their own body.
It is a wonderful program that teaches me how to have a positive relationship with food and my body so I can love my body and life.
Thank you so much Nina, for all you do and for coming into my life!”
“As I make my way through the challenges of knowing myself better, and of understanding what’s actually going on with my destructive behaviors around food, Nina is my talented and wise facilitator.”
The Nourished Path Program is well titled, as it’s an approach to caring for oneself through “nourishment” not “punishment.” It’s part meditation, part therapy, and very importantly part support, which includes the amazing group of expressive and open women who have joined in on this journey.
Through this work I’ve realized completely that being obsessed with dieting and endlessly trying to lose weight through restrictive measures does not work and does not serve me in the long run. To be able to work with Nina on the Nourished Path is a precious gift.
“I wish I had found Nina many years ago”
Before joining the Nourished Path, I struggled with eating healthy foods in a healthy amount. I was totally unaware of the food I was putting in my body. I was constantly berating myself.
I didn’t realize how disconnected my body was from my mind. I think of myself as pretty self-aware, and I think it is truer than ever as I learn how to be aware of my body below my nose to my toes.
This is a huge process of relearning. This is not a diet. This is about learning to not bang myself up with negative thoughts. It’s about learning to honor what my body wants and learning to listen to my body. It’s ok to give myself permission to not be perfect. There is no end goal as such, rather, its a retooling of how I think – an ongoing process.
Nina is amazing. She teaches by example how to be non judgemental of ourselves. She listens and is always checking in so we learn to do the same when she isn’t around. It’s a nice voice to have in my head sometimes.
I wish I had found Nina many years ago……THANK YOU!
“My doctor is happy with my blood results, I feel great, what could be bad!!!”
Before I started on my Path with Nina and the other women on my Path, I was a scale worshiper. I thought my day wasn’t going to be a good one unless my magic number was within reach or reached! As you can imagine I had very few “good” days! I was obsessed with food and although I knew the “right” things to eat I was always “sneaking” in the forbidding things! Not a very pretty way to live.
When I started working with Nina, I started to hear my body. Who knew my body was talking to me!
My body image is changing, meaning I’m happy with my body. When I look in the mirror I’m happy with what I see, I’m not trying to change it. Is that because I’ve lost weight? Who knows, I NEVER go on the scale. My doctor is happy with my blood results, I feel great, what could be bad!!!
I LOVE my group and Nina is definitely My Leader as we go along our Path to Nourishment together!
It’s so comforting to be with other women and have a common thread. I’m not saying that the thread is food, it’s stronger than that; it’s that we are all women who have spent too much of our lives trying to change, correct, or eliminate parts of our body instead of Nourishing our body.
That is what is so brilliant about what Nina is doing. We learn from each other in our group and knowing these other women are there to support me is the best!!!
So what I have learned from the group, as it is moving forward, is that what we all have in common is our bond and through that bond the food, etc becomes secondary. Its the bond that is the common ground and it is Nina who is the glue that holds us all together!
“I am learning how to nourish and honor my body in a different, more relaxed, and natural-feeling way.”
Body image, body relationship, body weight – I struggle with them all. This program has helped me to slowly unravel and shift deeply ingrained and unhelpful patterns around eating and develop a gentler, kinder, and more responsive way to be in relationship with my body. I am learning how to nourish and honor my body in a different, more relaxed, and natural-feeling way.
Through The Nourished Path, I’ve learned that trying to manage my body will never help me make peace with food and eating. That being in conversation with my body and learning how to be responsive to it and trusting of it will lead to greater happiness and self love. That being in love with myself and my body is far more important than any number on the scale.
Working with Nina has been like having a warm, comfy, cozy blanket wrapped tightly around me helping me feel that I am safe, cared about, seen, heard, and deeply nourished. It’s a place of “Ahhhh – All IS right with the world – in this moment, in this place of now.
“She is a partner and a tutor in helping me speak this new language of body love and acceptance.”
I’ve always struggled with feeling ‘unworthy’ and eating my feelings. Still working on this…but not feeling so alone! If all of the amazing, beautiful, accomplished women are on the same path…maybe I am not broken either??
Nina has a broad range of knowledge on all things food and body, and you know she has been there herself. There have been many times when I have felt like there just wasn’t an answer for me, that my relationship to food and my body was too weird or unique for anyone to ‘get me’ but Nina has been there. She’s there with compassion, an answer, and no shame. And if that answer didn’t work…another and another. She is a partner and a tutor in helping me speak this new language of body love and acceptance.
“I have experienced a profound paradigmatic shift in my thinking about food, health and nourishment.”
In the few weeks I’ve been a part of this program I have experienced a profound paradigmatic shift in my thinking about food, health and nourishment – a word that I hadn’t really considered until now.
Nina’s trenchant but gently communicated observations, her depth of knowledge about all the ways we can nourish ourselves, the materials she shared and the community of women who participated all have contributed to this exceptional – and exceptionally different – approach to how we live with and make food choices each day and that has so positively imprinted on me.
I’ve discovered I’m much less hesitant about my food choices, as well as when and how much I eat. These choices have started to become quite natural, not freighted with the “should/shouldn’ts”, the “good/bads” and consequently I find I really feel great.
“I have so much hope for the future as I move into a space of Body Love.”
Before the Living in a Nourished Body program I was fighting with my body all the time.
Coming off the holiday binge-cycle, my self-talk was extremely negative and included things like “You are an addict. You have a problem. You need to get this under control.” I was tired and heavy and achy and mildly depressed a lot of the time.
Through Living in a Nourished Body I quickly changed the things I was saying to myself and learned how to show myself the kind of love and compassion I would a dear friend or family member.
I learned how powerful it is to tune in and have a conversation with this body that has been through so much, and deserves to be loved and supported and cared for in the most nourishing ways.
I have so much hope for the future as I move into a space of Body Love. For the first time in 28 years, not being on a diet/program/plan is the most freeing and life-giving experience I could ever dream!
“I highly recommend Nina Manolson to any woman
who is looking to feel healthier, stronger, happier, and more confident in her relationship to food and her own body.”
Nina’s knowledgeable, insightful, and deeply kind approach has been instrumental in helping me make healthier, more nourishing choices in my eating and overall self-care.
Nina doesn’t offer quick-fixes, rather she stays connected with her clients over time and guides them with wisdom and compassion.
I highly recommend Nina Manolson to any woman who is looking to feel healthier, stronger, happier, and more confident in her relationship to food and her own body.
“Working with Nina is a cross between coaching, therapy, nutrition counseling, support and stress reduction”
Nina works on the premise that when we struggle with food, we are not only struggling with food—there’s something underneath. Working with her is a cross between coaching, therapy, nutrition counseling, support, and stress reduction.
“Nina understands the emotional side of eating as well as the health and wellness side.”
Every book and every professional I’ve consulted and every program I’ve tried (and there have been a lot of them) has basically been the same, “Eat this, don’t eat that, use portion control, push yourself away from the table, eat x number of meals, etc. etc.”
Nina listens, she is very intuitive, and she knows these things don’t work. She offers gentle suggestions for one thing to do based on MY personal situation. She understands the emotional side of eating as well as the health and wellness side. She knows about the neurobiology of food and how food can be the answer, not the problem! Nina knows how the negative cycles and belief systems we get into with food or with relationships or with work ALL have to be addressed if we are ever going to gain our health back. She is teacher, coach, mentor, and friend, all in one!
Nina works with each person where they are. The problem is not just about needing to lose weight or have more energy, although these are the things we usually want. She sees beyond those “presenting issues” and gently points out the bigger picture—the connections in our life between food, health, energy, relationships, self-care and happiness.
“I love the way I eat, I love the way it makes me feel, and I love that my kids are eating healthier than they ever have been.”
Before I met Nina Manolson, I felt like I was having trouble just keeping up with after school and weekend activities, driving everyone around, and meal times. I felt stressed all the time. I felt fat because I couldn’t always get my workouts in, and I was always grabbing the quickest, easiest, and really un-healthiest meals or went through a drive thru where we would gulp down our dinner while driving.
I couldn’t get it all done, and I would forget to eat healthy and exercise regularly. I was tired all the time. Then I noticed I was gaining weight and my PMS each month was AWFUL. My moods were swinging wildly, and then, even my kids started getting sick more with stomachaches, and my older son would experience migraine headaches.
Since I met Nina, I exercise regularly, eat green smoothies every day, meditate, and take relaxing baths. My kids are eating healthier and don’t get stomachaches or headaches. I’m keeping my weight where I want it, and I have tons more energy. She taught me how to slow down, and how to plan meals. She led me through one of her detoxes where all the unhealthy food was eliminated. I felt what it was like to clean out my system without the use of medicine or trying to stay on a liquid diet. On the detox, I ate all the time and was satisfied.
Nina congratulated me at the end. She said “Congratulations! You have experienced an entire month of your life without meat, dairy, wheat, or sugar. How do you feel?”
I didn’t even realize it. I had more energy, less joint pain, and developed new habits that I can’t imagine living without, all thanks to Nina. I’m happier, my kids are happier, and we eat much healthier.
I love the way I eat, I love the way it makes me feel, and I love that my kids are eating healthier than they ever have. That’s huge. We’re not perfect yet, but I know Nina has more tools and tricks up her sleeve and I can’t wait to get them. Nina made it easy to change my fast paced, unhealthy life style. She told me exactly what to do, she provided 100% support and accountability all the time. She introduced me to a community of women who had some of the same problems as me and we worked on them together. We are an amazing, strong group.
I love having Nina by my side to keep me on track, and I always learn new recipes, tips to help me spend less time in the kitchen, and most importantly, I spend a lot of time on my self, which makes me better for everyone else. I could not have done this without Nina. You can’t do everything, and you certainly can’t do it alone. Nina is my major support person. She’s like my best beauty secret.
“I find great joy in experimenting with new recipes and how good it feels to know what foods are right for me.”
Quite simply, working with Nina has changed my life and shifted my deeply held perspectives about self-care and nourishment. I cannot express fully enough the break-through experience this has been for me. With Nina’s incredibly sage guidance during the last several months I have actually been able to achieve the change in my life that I have been seeking for many years. After working with various therapists, weight loss programs, and diets, Nina has mentored and coached me in a practical, pragmatic, meaningful, and brilliant way that has yielded the results I have been seeking.
Bottom line, Nina’s “gets me.” She understands the issues with food and with self-care that have plagued me. She has helped me to understand where I need to grow in order to fully embrace my life, so that food is no longer my ‘demon.’ I never thought I would ever be able to achieve this kind of ease and peace. Powerful!
I am learning how to choose and prepare healthy, clean foods and to appreciate how good they make me feel. I find great joy in experimenting with new recipes and how good it feels to know what foods are right for me. Most importantly, I have learned how to actually listen to my body and know what it needs so that I can access and appreciate its energy and my new zest for life. What a gift!
“I’m craving food for hunger, not emotion.”
Before working with Nina, I was desperate for nourishment. My knees hurt. My skin was inflamed. And I was neglecting myself. Nina allowed me to expand the focus – not shift it away from everything else – but expand it to include me as well.
The three most significant improvements I experienced while working with Nina:
- The skin on my face is smoothing out.
- I have a lot more energy.
- I’m craving food for hunger, not emotion.
I also feel lighter! Not just in a physical sense but in an emotional one. When you bury your feelings or are not in touch with them, you carry them around with you like dead weight. It drags you down. Having the courage to say, this isn’t about food – it’s about me taking a different path. And the food tastes great too.
The great thing about working with Nina is that she has been there. Nothing you say can shock her. She knows what is happening here and she handles it with empathy and grace.
“I wake up with energy and I feel energetic through the day.”
I am blown away by how differently I already view food, and myself!
Being a 40-something therapist with 2 young children, a husband, and many work and school hours between the 2 of us, I found myself in a habit of deferring my nutritional and lifestyle needs–chronically. As a result, I carried weight–not just body weight but spiritual and emotional weight that made me tired and sad.
Even though I know better and pay a lot of lip service to self care, I just wasn’t walking my talk and didn’t know what to do about it! I had run through all my tricks–dieting, increased exercise, deprivation — and I knew where it landed me: right back in the same place of disappointment. I knew I wanted a change–I wanted to lighten, glow, flow in my life. When I got serious about this want, I heard about Nina.
I can’t say enough about Nina’s approach. She is all about adding vibrancy, deliciousness, sweetness and energy to my life. She is so kind and supportive. She is intuitive and balanced and her timing for new suggestions is spot on. She really gets that self care is more than food–I feel she is working with all of me, not just my diet. Her passion is contagious and so authentic! I am eating better than I have eaten in years.
Pesky health conditions–eczema, rosacea, reflux–all have dissipated. That was not a side effect I anticipated, but I am delighted! If I had to sum up what I am experiencing working with Nina, two words come to mind: energy and confidence. I wake up with energy and I feel energetic through the day. I have a deep confidence for the first time that I will get where I want to get health, energy, and body-wise, and the journey will be a wholehearted, loving and sustainable process.
“Here I am 5 months later feeling lighter in body, mind, and spirit. I didn’t think it was possible to feel this way. It feels a bit like magic”
I called Nina because I was ready to develop a new relationship with my body centered around pleasure and ease. I’d done a lot of nutritional reading, researching, experimenting, talking, and coaching before working with Nina. I experienced success, failures, highs, and lows. I was unable to see my lows as informative and educational and I was unable to trust my highs as solid enough to last. When I contacted Nina, I was feeling stuck and wondering if I would be repeating my same nutritional mistakes for the rest of my life. I knew what to do yet I wasn’t able to follow through and consistently treat my body with the kindness and attention I deserved.
All of this changed when I talked with Nina. She described a path that could heal my relationship with my body and food. Though I was unsure I could achieve it, I knew immediately that Nina would be a supportive, encouraging, and wise guide for me. From that first phone call, Nina listened, celebrated my previous accomplishments, and gave me hope. She even gave me strategies I could use that very day. Throughout our phone conversations, Nina gave me so many gifts that I never thought I could acquire but with her guidance they have now become second nature to me. She taught me how to slow down in the moment and breathe. She helped me find, be aware of, and respond to my feelings. Nina even taught me how and why to meditate and I look forward to my end of day meditation ritual.
Here I am 5 months later feeling lighter in body, mind, and spirit. I didn’t think it was possible to feel this way. It feels a bit like magic – miraculous. I know I did a lot of work to get here. I have grown into the person I never thought I could be. I feel great on the inside and outside! I pay attention to my body, listen and feed it what it needs. I can look ahead 10 years and feel like I’ll still have the understanding and compassion for myself that Nina taught me to find.
“The 3 most significant benefits for me have been more purposeful eating, increased nutritional knowledge, and recipes to support that knowledge.”
Working with Nina has taught me to value taking time for myself – to do the work with her, as well as to invest the time in eating thoughtfully and purposefully. Participating in the group coaching has created a built in support group and learning group, and the sense of connection helps when exploring new approaches to creating balance in my life and diet.
As a well educated, mostly nutritious eater, I nonetheless engaged in unhealthy binges and was struggling, like many women, to love my body the way it is. Motivated to lose weight, working with Nina became more about accepting my body, learning how to nourish it properly, and respecting the time and thought required to do that well.
The 3 most significant benefits for me have been more purposeful eating, increased nutritional knowledge, and recipes to support that knowledge. Nina is a mine of information and supports clients both spiritually and realistically!
Nina is a natural coach, counselor, supporter – whatever title you prefer. She immediately engaged in my personal struggle and in less 5 minutes, I found myself opening up and sharing what had been holding me back. And this was in a chance encounter in the bookstore! Nina is willing to share her personal understanding of women’s issues and owns the work with you, supporting you along the way. I have benefited in ways I didn’t anticipate and am interested in continuing my work with her as it has made such a positive impact on my life.
“Nina has helped increase my awareness of how my body is feeling, what goes into my body and what goes in to my kids’ bodies.”
I have worked with Nina over the last 2+ years on one-on-one wellness coaching and bodywork, and have participated in her raw foods, Feeding Kids and Smokin’ Hot Moms group classes.
If there was one word that represents Nina’s work it would be nourish. Nina looks at the whole you, how your mind and body are nourished by your diet, exercise, lifestyle, work and the people surrounding you. Nina works with you to enhance your nourishment in all aspects of your life.
In order to nourish others and to be nourished, one needs awareness. Nina has helped increase my awareness of how my body is feeling, what goes into my body and what goes in to my kids’ bodies; awareness of relationship dynamics at home and at work. Through Nina, I have become more confident and assertive and have made both small and big changes in my life that have benefited me and my family tremendously.
“For the first time in 26 years I am no longer on a diet and I am no longer a slave to the scale. I am free to eat without guilt or confusion.”
I owe Nina my life. I was in a deep downward spiral full of diets and lacking in zero self-esteem. I saw food as the enemy and honestly felt hopeless about what to do or eat next. I was tired and worn down. It had become so much easier to eat crap and hate myself instead. Then my life was saved when I started to work with Nina.
For the first time in 26 years I am no longer on a diet and I am no longer a slave to the scale. I am free to eat without guilt or confusion. For the first time in years I want to nourish myself and I feel like I know how. I never ever thought I would learn how to love myself or respect my body through food. Nina is brilliant and her work is nothing short of magical. I owe Nina my life.
“Increased energy, vibrancy and clearer thinking!”
Before the 7 Day Detox I was feeling sluggish and tired every day, eating chocolate and sugar and drinking too much coffee to keep me going. Within the first two days of the Detox I started feeling increased energy, vibrancy and clearer thinking.
The menu plan and recipes were easy to follow and they introduced me to new superfoods I have never tried before.
I am reinvigorated to enjoy my life and have the inspiration I need to cook healthy and simple plant-based meals for my family. And whenever I slip back to old habits in the future I know I can repeat this 7-Day Detox to get me quickly back on track. Thank you Nina for changing my life!
“Nina gave me the gift of deep Self acceptance.”
Nina gave me the gift of deep Self acceptance. Nina’s incredible warmth, humor and compassion helped me to find my way into my own innermost core of self-healing.
Nina’s personal and professional knowledge of craziness with food and her nutritional and spiritual understanding of self-healing helped me to ignite my own fire of inquiry. Nina deeply and caringly listened to me, and held up a mirror for me to see my beauty.
Do you want to talk to me?
I invite you to schedule a complimentary get acquainted phone session with me. Just click to get started.