In last week’s Sunday newsletter (sign up here), I mentioned how I was in that wild end-of-year May/June busy-mom mode, and let me tell you, I heard from so many of you that you are feeling exactly the same way…
Here’s some of what I heard!
- “I’m living in my to-do list instead of my life.”
- “It’s a brutal time of year!
- “I’m living on my kids’ leftovers this week!”
- “I’m so done – I just can’t do one more pot-luck and school event!”
- “All my healthy intentions went out the window”
I get it!
But here’s the most distressing thing that I heard all week. It was the implicit message that lay under all the complaints…
“What’s wrong with me?!”
I often hear women say “what’s wrong with me? Why can’t I put down the cookie…get moving…make a better choice?
There’s a constant judging and blaming ourselves for a lack of willpower, or inability to put into action what we know is best for ourselves.
Now I tend to work with really smart women who have a pretty good sense of what they “should” be doing to care for their body, mind, and soul…but they don’t do it. Then they look at themselves and wonder what the heck happened to me? Why can’t I make this happen? There must be something wrong with me!
I’m here to tell you…
There’s nothing wrong with you!
You are perfect just as you are.
The problem isn’t that you aren’t smart enough, or that you are weak-willed. That’s not it at all.
The problem lies in our expectations.
- Our expectation of ourselves – to be super moms and make everyone happy.
- Society’s expectations of us – that we be all things to all people, to have “perfect” bodies, to be at more than one kid activity at once!
It’s time to really look at what’s realistic.
Here are a few questions to prompt an expectation-shift for you:
- What do you expect of yourself?
- Are those all your expectations? Which belong to society? Which belong to your mother, or to your kids?
- Which of these expectations really work for you? Which make you feel bad most of the time?
- What expectations are you ready to release?
Here’s where it gets a bit tricky. When I ask women to release expectations. they often get concerned that I’m asking them to settle with things they are not happy with. I hear things like:
“Are you telling me to just be OK with my extra weight? I’m not OK with that!”
That’s not what I’m saying. You can absolutely desire to feel more at ease and comfortable in your body, but the pressure of expectation won’t help you. In fact, your unrealistic expectations cause more internal stress. Your stress raises cortisol and insulin levels (stress hormones). This messes with your digestion, reduces your ability to lose weight, and compromises your immune system.
If you are looking to create sustainable healthy habits, and release the unhealthy and stressful expectations in your life, what you need is support. In my experience in working with hundreds of women, support is one of the big missing ingredients when it comes to feeling at ease in our bodies, and life.
Whether you choose to work with me (I’d love to help you!) or whether you trade childcare with a friend, or whether you make a walking date with another mom – this week, reach out and get support. It’s the antidote to crazy-busy times and super high self-expectations.
Nina Manolson, MA, CHC, is the Smokin’ Hot & Soulful Mom Mentor and Family Wellness Expert. She’s the founder of and She is a certified Health Coach and Psychology of Eating Coach.
She helps busy moms look and feel their best, and helps them feed their kids well in a world that doesn’t.
She’s the author of “Feed Your Kids Well In A World That Doesn’t: an everyday guide to make healthy food happen in your home and beyond”. She’s also the recipient of the prestigious Health Leadership Award from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.
To get your F.R.E.E. Audio CD by mail and receive her healthy recipes and wellness tips click here.

Nina Manolson, MA, is the founder of Body-Peace®.She helps women end the war with food and body and finally feel truly at home in their body—as it is.
She is known for her deeply feminist, anti-diet, body-peace® approach. She brings her 30 years of experience as a therapist, Body-Trust® Guide and Psychology of Eating Teacher to helping women create a respectful and trusting relationship with their food and body.
Nina’s Body-Peace® work is all in service of helping people get off the diet roller-coaster, and into a compassionate and powerful way of eating & living which creates a positive long-lasting change in and with their bodies. Her courses, coaching, poems and Body-Peace APP positively change the conversation that women are having with their body.
Start your Body-Peace® journey with this free masterclass that will help you understand and shift your relationship with your body.