Mountains In the Sacred Valley of Peru

I have always been a spiritual seeker.

I have always looked for deeper meaning, deeper connections with friends, a deeper experience of myself, and a deeper experience of Source, Spirit, Universal Energy, whatever you want to call it.

  • I lived and worked at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health for 5 years, when it was a spiritual community.
  • I meditated (still do, but not as regularly)
  • I did and do yoga
  • I pray out of gratitude and for solace.
  • I am connected to a Jewish community that has meetings called Spirit Links and the women have retreats to sing and find deeper connections to themselves and spirit.
  • I stop in nature and consciously seek the feeling of being connected to the energy that makes all things go.

I seek out ways to experience what is sacred.

But I had a big “A-HA” moment in Peru. Now, this may not be a big a-ha for you. This may just be your world outlook, but for me it was big.

I was standing amidst the Andes mountains in the Sacred Valley in Peru after visiting a temple that was built into the side of the mountain, and I realized that I didn’t have to seek. Spirit/Sacred/Connection (whatever you call it) was/is simply there. I didn’t have to go looking for it. It just exists. I realized that I don’t have to try so hard! What I was seeking was all around me and part of me, all the time. No searching required.

As I was basking in this new revelation of just being in Spirit, in fact: just being Spirit, I asked my guide: “Why is this Valley called the Sacred Valley?”  I imagined she would tell me some special story about a deity visiting the valley, but no, she answered plainly….”because the land is so fertile.”

The Sacred Valley in Peru

Of course! How deeply correct! It’s called the Sacred Valley because the soil can provide nourishment for all who live there. That is what is truly sacred.

  • That which nourishes us, is Sacred,
  • Our Land is Sacred
  • Our Food is Sacred,
  • Our Body is  Sacred.

How does this translate to daily life?

  • Remember that you are sacred, you don’t have to do a thing to make that happen.
  • Eat food that has been grown in fertile, sacred soil = organic.
  • Treat your body like the sacred temple that it is – with kindness and respect.

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Nina Manolson, MA, CHC, LMT is the Smokin’ Hot Mom Mentor and Family Wellness Expert. She’s the founder of and She helps busy moms look and feel their best, and helps them feed their kids well in a world that doesn’t. To get your F.R.E.E. Audio CD by mail and receive her healthy recipes and wellness tips click here.