THE EVERYDAY BODY WAR There was an everyday war Waging In my body At the table. There are weapons of mass destruction Intended to destroy my sense of self My belief in me My joy in my body Name calling was always the first line of fire. “You’re fat”...
BODY-RESPECT Let’s break it down… Respect: A positive feeling or action shown towards someone or something considered important, or held in high esteem or regard. (Wikipedia definition) BODY-respect: A positive feeling or action shown toward your body because...
THE SCALE AT THE GYM She said: I don’t know why I did it. I said: You just weighed yourself? She said: Yup, While you were in the sauna I knew you would tell me not to do it I knew that it wasn’t going to feel good. But I was compelled to. I don’t know why I did...
BODY-CHECKING I grew up in Montreal. In the land of hockey Hockey is aggressive Body-Checking – pushing, shoving, charging and hitting an opponent is part of the experience. According to the USA hockey rule book The purpose of a body-check is to physically...
I’m so sorry… An apology from a Health Coach I’m sorry I told you what to eat I’m sorry I told you when to eat it I’m sorry that I thought my body-wisdom was your body-wisdom It’s not. I studied nutrition for years I passed the big exams I have all the...
PROFITING ON THE SHAME OF WOMEN It was a group of women So supportive So uplifting Cheering each other on in our lives and our work And then she stood to introduce her amazing self And the shame attack started It started subtly with a friendly announcement of a new...