Healthy Banana Candy! ~ Video ~
This is a favorite in my house! For kids and adults alike. Definitely get the kids involved in making this. It’s easy and fun. It will also make them a ten times more likely to eat it. Healthy Banana Candy! Ingredients: Ripe banana – sliced lengthwise...
Raw Almond Citrus Candy
Mmmm, I created this recipe with what was on hand when my family wanted a sweet treat. My kids loved them too and according to my daughter they are even better cold, out of the freezer. They are a lovely treat to give as a gift. (Think Valentine’s day, hostess...
Superfood Smoothie! Raw, Non-dairy, No Sweeteners
This superfood smoothie is delicious on top of fruit or just drink it plain. Each of these superfoods alone are a treasure trove of energy! I have listed some of their amazing benefits at the end of this blog. Blend in Vita-Mix: 1 cup water 1 banana (I use 1/2 banana,...
What Kind Of Hungry Are You Really?
Have you ever eaten something and then afterwards wondered why? Maybe you weren’t actually hungry – or rather – your stomach wasn’t actually hungry. It was a different kind of hunger that was reaching out for food. We all have many kinds of...