Guacomole in a minute – like a Pro! ~ Video ~
This past weekend I was in NYC for my graduation from The Institute for Integrative Nutrition’s Advanced Training. Ya-hoo! It wasn’t just the culmination of 2 years of study: it was an affirmation of the 20 years that I have spent studying and working in...
Green Smoothie at Boston Organics ~ Video ~
Green Smoothies are the ultimate energy drink. Green Smoothies give me an even and steady kind of energy. Green Smoothies don’t leave me wired or tired, they make me feel clear and balanced. If you haven’t tried a Green Smoothie – go for it! If you...
Super-easy Non-dairy Fruit Smoothie and Nina’s Free Class at Whole Foods!
Recently, I was at Whole Foods talking about “How To Feed Your Kids Well In A World That Doesn’t” because I am offering a free class there this week Thursday (6/10). I served a delicious fruit smoothie that is so easy to make. Fruit Smoothie with...
Eating standing at the kitchen counter!
True confessions….I have been eating while standing at my kitchen counter, and I’ve been eating in the car! It must be June! For many moms June is such a busy month: recitals, concerts, sports events, pot-lucks, and summer planning. We are deep in dance...