Are you in food jail or food joy?

Are you in food jail or food joy?

Many of us say we love food. And what’s not to love?…It’s tasty, and it fuels our body. But many times I hear women say that they love food too much! I hear many moms talk about how their relationship with food is fraught with struggle, that instead...
The power of stick-to-itiveness

The power of stick-to-itiveness

Thomas Edison is quoted as saying that “The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are hard work, stick-to-itiveness, and common sense.” I’m all for stick-to-itiveness when it comes to your health goals. Our culture is chock full of...
Super Easy Vegan Chickpea Frittata

Super Easy Vegan Chickpea Frittata

I love grocery shopping, I’m like a kid in a candy store – sorry, bad analogy – I know. But I get really excited at all the possibilities of what I can make. I get particularly jazzed when I find something new and wholesome. On my last vacation to...
Fruit Compote – natural remedy for constipation

Fruit Compote – natural remedy for constipation

Fruit compote is a natural remedy for constipation, but it’s also a really tasty treat. It’s sweet and syrupy. It’s a comfort food. My mom always had a bowl of it sitting in the fridge. It may have been there to make sure our digestion was easy, but...