Banana Cacao Candy – Emotional eating always has a trail
Emotional eating always has a trail It starts with a feeling that you don’t really want to feel, that gets masked with another feeling, that might have another feeling or behavior on top, this can go on for a while, until it’s hard to remember where you...
Breakfast, break out of the box!
This is what I had for breakfast! A fresh beautiful Waldorf Salad! I knew today was going to be a busy day. I would not have time later to pull together a lovely salad, but I did have 20 minutes before the whole day got really rolling. I seized the moment to create a...
Pea Tendrils or Gorgeous Greens in 2 minutes!
Here is another wonderful farmer’s market find! Pea Tendrils they are delicious, delicate, hardly need any prepping and cook up in 2 minutes. I turn to pea tendrils when I want greens in a hurry. Pea tendrils are young leaves and shoots of the snow pea plant....
Unusual Fruit That Goes Pop! or Now You See It, Now You Don’t.
September brings two wonderful uncommon and pop-able fruits. Ground Cherries and Kiwi Berries. I love them both! They both have that sweet but tangy thing going on. The only problem I have with them is their tendency to disappear. Really! I just don’t know how...