Primary NutritionThere are two kinds of nutrition.

  • Primary Nutrition


  • Secondary Nutrition.

Secondary Nutrition is what’s on your plate. It’s the actual food you eat.

Primary Nutrition are all the other things in your life that nourish you…

Things like:

  • Dancing (for me anyway), or any movement you love.
  • Connection with the people you love
  • Nature
  • Expressing your passion
  • Your spirituality
  • Rest

This kind of nutrition – Primary Nutrition is sooooo filling. It truly satisfies us on a body, mind and soul level.

But…and it’s a big but…

When we aren’t getting enough Primary Nutrition, we reach for the secondary nutrition.

We reach for the cookies, ice cream, bagel and cake to fill us up when we’re depleted on the Primary Nutrition end of things.

It’s understandable of course, many of us reach for food when we have an emotional need. For so many of us who have eating issues, food is a way to cope with our emotional world.

So, how do you reach for the kind of nutrition that you are truly hungry for? How do you say “no thanks” to the Secondary Nutrition – those cookies – when your actually having a Primary Nutrition need.

Here are 2 clearly defined ways to get you reaching for Primary Nutrition – the kind that deeply fills you up!….

1. Ask yourself “What am I truly and deeply hungry for in this moment”?

Asking yourself this simple question opens the door to Primary Nutrition. It reminds your psyche that you have deeper hungers to be filled. The words “truly and deeply” are important, because they acknowledge that our hunger has a profound depth to it, and that we have access to that depth – if we ask.

Also “in this moment” is important because it reminds us that this is just one moment in time, our needs of this moment don’t define who we are for all time.

2. How can I give myself what I’m feeling?

We often have more resources than we give ourselves credit for. In this moment, you may need love and connection, but there is no one around to give you a hug. So, what about giving yourself that love and acceptance. What about reaching out to your sense of spiritual power? How can you allow the Primary Nutrition that already exists in your environment, to fill you up?

That may mean saying what you feel, expressing your anger, instead of eating to suppress your feelings.

Listening to your Primary Nutrition needs and feeding yourself on this profound level doesn’t mean not eating. Of course we need to eat, but when we give our self emotional, spiritual, sensual, relational food, we’re more likely to make food choices that truly nourish our body.


Nina Manolson, MA, CHC, certified Health Coach and Psychology of Eating Coach believes that every women deserves to feel good in their own body. She helps women create a healthy and positive relationship with their food and body so they can love their body and life!  She’s the founder of and 

She helps busy women look and feel their best, and helps them feed their kids well in a world that doesn’t.

She’s the author of “Feed Your Kids Well In A World That Doesn’t: an everyday guide to make healthy food happen in your home and beyond”. She’s also the recipient of the prestigious Health Leadership Award from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

To get your F.R.E.E. Video Series “What to do now, when everything you’ve done hasn’t worked” by mail and receive her healthy recipes and wellness tips click here.