Recently, I was at Whole Foods talking about “How To Feed Your Kids Well In A World That Doesn’t” because I am offering a free class there this week Thursday (6/10).

I served a delicious fruit smoothie that is so easy to make.

Fruit Smoothie with nutritious and delicious add-ins:

Mix in a blender or Vita-Mix:

  • 1 banana
  • 1/2 cup frozen mango
  • 1/4 -1/2 cup fresh or frozen strawberries
  • 1 cup of water (more or less depending on how thick you like it)

Of course, if you like more mango and don’t like strawberries, or vice versa, change the recipe to your liking. There is no right way. There is only the right way for you!

Now, let’s add a couple of things to make this smoothie nutrient-dense!

Fruit smoothies are definitely nutritious and delicious, lots of vitamins and fiber, but they also have a lot of sugar all in one place. It’s not refined sugar, at least. Refined sugar is what you really want to avoid, because it lowers your immune system and leaches the minerals from your body – to name just two of its many downsides. The smoothie provides natural, fruit sugars, which your body does need, just not in such large amounts and not all at once.

Here are two add-ins that will slow down the rush of sugar into your blood stream, so you don’t have that dreaded sugar-high and then sugar-crash! They will also make the smoothie more filling.

Blend in:

  • 6 raw almonds (to make your almonds even more nutrient-dense and digestible, soak them in water overnight, rinse them in the morning, and throw them into your smoothie)


  • 1 tablespoon of hemp seeds – you can find these in any health food store. They are a super source of protein and a perfect balance of Omega-6 Linoleic Acid and Omega-3 Linolenic Acid – the good essential fatty acids that we all need.



Nina Manolson, MA, CHC, LMT is the Smokin’ Hot Mom Mentor and Family Wellness Expert. She’s the founder of and She helps busy moms look and feel their best, and helps them feed their kids well in a world that doesn’t. To get your F.R.E.E. Audio CD by mail and receive her healthy recipes and wellness tips click here.