Amaranth – Kiwicha Porridge
A few years ago my family and I went on a trip of a lifetime to Peru. While we were there, our guide Melissa – who knew I was passionate about healthy foods and herbs – kept pointing out all the healing plants and quinoa fields we would pass. This picture...
Easy Stuffed Squash
Winter squashes are my short cut, when it comes to making easy healthy meals in the fall. Simply by putting a squash in the oven I’ve given myself a healthy start to a delicious meal. Note: often, for ease, I don’t even cut the squash before I put it in...
Chickpea of the Sea
This recipe was inspired by a wonderful Chickpea of the Sea dish I ate at Kripalu last week. “Very convincing” was my daughter’s comment when she tried it. So, of course I wanted to try to make it at home. This is the label that was next to...
How to make perfect Brown Rice
Happy Valentines Day! I adore Valentines Day. I’m all for a day where folks are encouraged to share their warmth, love and affection for each other. In fact, I wish we could all do it a little more often – minus the commercialism that goes with it. A few...