Vegan Pizza Bagel
My 9 year old daughter is a dancer. She’s been dancing since she was 3, and if given any spare 10 minutes anywhere, she’ll choreograph a dance. She often asks me for a theme, and then she’s off, until I hear “Mom, I’m done.” Then...
Chickpea of the Sea
This recipe was inspired by a wonderful Chickpea of the Sea dish I ate at Kripalu last week. “Very convincing” was my daughter’s comment when she tried it. So, of course I wanted to try to make it at home. This is the label that was next to...
Healthy Caramel Apples
My mom made the very best caramel apples when I was growing up. They were the real deal. She would boil the sugar ’til it was at the hard-crackle stage, and dip the apples…it was blissful. The only hard part was getting that first bite. As a kid, it was a...
Healthy Halloween? Is it possible? Check out these 5 tips…
Check me out here this week talking about how I make Halloween healthy – well…healthier anyway. I was interviewed by the infinitely savvy blogger Rachel Zimmerman from the Commonhealth wbur (Boston’s NPR news source) blog....