What does a Health Coach give out on Halloween?
“What the heck do you give out at Halloween?” I get asked that question a lot because as you might suspect, I’m not a fan of giving kids candy. I am however, a huge Halloween fan! I love having a holiday that’s about dress up and play, and gets...
Food Literacy: a strategy your kids can’t live without
As parents, we focus a lot on our kids’ education. Of course! We want our kids to have skills that prepare them for life. We want them to know how to read and write. We want them to have their math skills and a sense of the world, in terms of geography and...
What does a Health Coach serve 100 people for dinner?
I haven’t been blogging recently because I’ve been so preoccupied with a big family event. My son turned 13 and in the Jewish tradition, that’s a big deal! It’s Bar Mitzvah time! A Bar-Mitzvah (for a boy) or Bat-Mitzvah (for a girl) is a rite...
Natural Healing Garlic, Lemon and Honey Syrup ~ Fire Cider
It’s been a weird winter here in Boston. Hardly any snow so far. But that doesn’t stop the colds and flus that come around when all the windows are shut and the kids are sharing germs like crazy with their friends. Awhile back, my daughter caught some kind...