Raspberry Chia Seed Pudding
Chia Seeds are so wonderful! I throw them into everything. They are nutritional power-houses! They are… Packed with protein Loaded with fiber A good source of calcium Considered an endurance food, because it keeps you energized for hours High in Omega 3 fatty...
Amaranth – Kiwicha Porridge
A few years ago my family and I went on a trip of a lifetime to Peru. While we were there, our guide Melissa – who knew I was passionate about healthy foods and herbs – kept pointing out all the healing plants and quinoa fields we would pass. This picture...
How to open a young coconut
This weekend I’ve been at a phenomenal Health Coach Conference in NYC with my alma-mater The Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I had a fabulous time seeing dear friends and meetimg new ones. Connecting with some of you – my dear readers, live at the...
Healthy Raw Truffles ~ Video
Have the Holidays taken you down the path of sugary sweets? Is your sweet tooth in full swing? Don’t want to give up your sweets, but know you need to ease up on the amount of sugar you’re consuming? Try this recipe, it’s super sweet but...