Are you traveling soon?

If so, I want to inspire you to use your travel time to get moving!

Make your waiting time a fun and active experience. Whether you are alone or with your family, getting moving in the airport, train station or even in the car can make the difference between getting to your destination tired and cranky or happy and relaxed.

I am deeply invested in having kids who are ready to sit down and relax when it is time to board, and getting them moving before departure guarantees me a relaxed journey. The unforeseen, but probably obvious benefit is that I arrive at my destination feeling so much better than If I had been sedentary for the entire voyage.

Over the years my family has played with different ways of getting moving before we get on a plane, here are a few. (We do all these with respect and consideration for those around us of course)

  • Roll balls down any long empty hallway of the airport, the kids chase and kick them.
  • Make relay type challenges, e.g., go touch three pillars, jog around three sets of chairs and then run zig zag back to me.
  • Go on long exploration walks through the airport and occasionally stumble on the jackpot – a kids play area!

Check out the video to see what we are up to now!

Make your waiting time a time to play, stretch and get moving!


Nina Manolson, MA, CHC, LMT is the Smokin’ Hot Mom Mentor and Family Wellness Expert. She’s the founder of and She helps busy moms look and feel their best, and helps them feed their kids well in a world that doesn’t. To get your F.R.E.E. Audio CD by mail and receive her healthy recipes and wellness tips click here.