I’ve reclaimed my body three times.

And I can see the fourth on the way.


The first time I reclaimed my body was after I disowned it

because someone tried to take it against my will.


I reclaimed her by telling my trauma.

I reclaimed her by feeling the rage and the grief.


The second time I reclaimed my body was after I decided that

I didn’t want food to be the only way I soothed myself.

Every time I tumbled headlong into binges and diets I was losing my self.


I reclaimed her by feeling my feelings.

I reclaimed her by reclaiming my pleasure in food and in my body.


The third time I reclaimed my body was after surgeries took

parts of my body away that held my womanhood

but also held a threat to my life.


I reclaimed her by finding my goddess self in all

the other body parts and cells that remained.

I reclaimed her by making choices that were a vote for life.


The fourth reclamation I foresee is reclaiming my body as I age.

The culture is telling me to anti-age, to be young forever, or go invisible.


I will reclaim her by seeing the beauty in every grey hair

and tending to her true needs.

I will reclaim her by allowing aging to be a deeper passage into wisdom.

I will reclaim her by fully taking up my space. 


My body has always called me back,

begged me to not divorce her, disown her or ignore her.


If your body is calling you to reunite,

do the deep work of reconnecting,

it’s worth it!

Even if you have to reclaim her over and over and over again.

Reclaim your home.


~ Nina Manolson

For more of my poetic essays: https://ninamanolson.com/food-for-thought/


Nina Manolson, M.A. in Counseling Psychology, Nationally Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach, Psychology of Eating Coach, Body-Trust® Guide.



If you’d like help with navigating an authentic and respectful relationship with your body. Let’s talk.

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Nina Manolson, MA, NBC-HWC, board certified Health Coach, Psychology of Eating Coach and Certified Body-Trust Provider, believes that every woman deserves to feel good in her own body.

She helps women create a healthy and positive relationship with their food and body so they can love their body and life! She’s the founder of NinaManolson.com and The Nourished Woman Nation.

She helps busy women feel good in their own body.. She specializes in working with women over 40 who have tried other diets and approaches but are still struggling with their body and food.

She’s the creator of the BODY-LOVE MAP and the recipient of the prestigious Health Leadership Award from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

To get your F.R.E.E. ebook: HOW TO BE A WOMAN AT EASE IN YOUR BODY  click here.