You probably know this already, but I adore my Vitamix.

I literally – no exaggeration here – use my Vitamix at least three times a day.

It’s usually something like this:

In the morning:

Later in the day:

  • Grind whole oats to make oatflour for cookies, muffins  or applecrisp. (Check out my recipe book for those recipes!)
  • Dressing for a salad. One of my favorites is this Waldorf Salad dressing.

Sometimes its:

So, when I heard that Vitamix had a bunch of reconditioned machines to sell, I wanted to let you know right away. They’re a great deal. A Vitamix, at it’s full price it totally worth it! I’ve had mine for 15 years!

Here’s my  coupon code, it will get you free shipping  ($25US/$35CAN): 06-002799

The deal with reconditioned machines is this: they have been either used in a demo or returned. They have been checked over, and have the same 7-year guarantee that comes with a new one.

If you have any questions about what to get, just shoot me an email, and I’ll help you out.

Oh, one more tip. If you are going to get the Vitamix, splurge another $6.95 for the long spatulas that make working with the Vitamix super easy.

  • Here’s the link to the Vitamix special (I’m an affiliate!).
  • Here’s the coupon code for free shipping: 06-002799.

I can’t rave enough about my Vitamix, it’s what lets me make healthy food happen fast in my kitchen.


Nina Manolson, MA, CHC, LMT is the Smokin’ Hot Mom Mentor and Family Wellness Expert. She’s the founder of and She helps busy moms look and feel their best, and helps them feed their kids well in a world that doesn’t. To get your F.R.E.E. Audio CD by mail and receive her healthy recipes and wellness tips click here.